Skating lessons
My son was taking skating lessons. He was enrolled in an adapted skating program, receiving one-on-one instruction. My son loved being on the ice. I would proudly watch him while he took his lessons and tried learning this new skill.
One evening, I took my son to his lesson and there were no other kids except my son. The instructors were talking to each other, and I thought I was late and missed his lesson. My son’s assigned instructor then came over, smiled and chatted with my son, and off they went for his lesson.?
I wondered why the other kids did not show. I realized it was a public holiday that day, and the schools were closed. The parents most likely thought that there was no skating lesson that day.
The remaining instructors waited a bit for their students. When their students did not arrive, I watched them skate over to my son. They could have simply waited out their shift or taken a break until their next class. Instead, they joined my son in his lesson. I was touched by this gesture and impressed with their dedication to help every kid learn. My son was super happy to get all that extra attention that day.