Skating at the Australian Figure Skating Championships 2022
When I took up Learn to Skate lessons in July 2021, the thought of competing never crossed my mind, I even bought hockey skates as I thought that there was a zero percent chance of me doing any sort of figure skating. Fast forward to this past weekend and I represented WA in both the Mixed Age and Adult categories for synchronised skating.
The past week was an amazing experience, culminating the past nine months of figure skating training to get to Brisbane. Growing up I was fairly sports-oriented, but this was my first opportunity to compete at the national level representing my state. Of course, I could not have made it without the support of my coaches and my teammates, as well as the countless hours spent out on the ice practicing and learning.
For those that have not fallen down the figure skating rabbit hole like I have, synchronised skating involves up to 16 skaters performing a routine in time with each other. We perform similar moves to figure skaters that compete individually, however most of the elements are more about being in sync rather than jumping or spinning a lot.
Flying over from WA on Wednesday, I spent a whirlwind of Thursday and Friday practicing both on and off the ice to prepare for both of my performances, which (lucky me) were both on Saturday. I did feel a bit nervous stepping out onto the ice in front of the crowd, but having already performed four routines with each team back in WA, I like to think I knew some of what I was doing.
The skates themselves were good, we skated two clean programs and scored our highest scores for the season which is an achievement to be proud of. No falls and a smile on my face as I exited the ice, I can say that this was a successful first nationals, and hopefully one of many to come. With that done, I got to spend Sunday supporting the other teams from WA, and simply enjoying the quality display of skating, especially from the senior teams that were vying to go on and compete for Australia in international competitions.
I wanted to post about my experience to talk about the support that Mantel Group provided to get me to AFSC 2022. Firstly the obvious of letting me take annual leave for the end of the week to actually be able to travel to Brisbane to be here to compete (as well as work from the Brisbane hub afterwards to not have to rush home - check out the office tour here).
I posted in our Slack that I would be competing on the weekend, and at the time I got to Brisbane, 30 people had reacted with ice skating emoji ? as well as a bunch of other celebratory ones. 12 people commented good luck, both people that I have worked with and people that I have never spoken to before. When I got to the office on Monday, the first two people I spoke with asked me about how the competition went and were interested to hear about it.
I would not have been able to go to AFSC 2022 had it not been for this support. I skate before/after work multiple times a week. Having the flexibility to start late or finish early throughout the week allows me to get on the ice when I need to be there, and even taking the first meeting of the day from the rink when I cannot get back home in time.
It is this kind of support that makes me proud to be working for Mantel Group and CMD Solutions . I know that work is important and I like my job, but that there is more to life than work and it is these other commitments that enable us to be the well-rounded and engaged people that want to come to work every day. Ever since I mentioned that I do figure skating when I joined, I have had this conversation with so many people, and hopefully inspired a few to take it up for themselves.
So no matter what you do for work, make sure you have something for yourself. Go out and find that hobby, that passion, and make it part of your life. No hobby is a waste of time if you enjoy yourself. Better still, find a company that knows about your passion and is willing to support you. I had a conversation earlier this year about having to fly to Sydney for work and then straight back to compete, and Mantel Group offered to help me get on the ice in Sydney to make sure I didn't miss any practice time. It is these little things, alongside all the messages of support and the casual chats that really build the culture and make be want to be at Mantel Group.
Love this - well done!! ??