Sizewell C projected to start up in 2035, Times reports
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Sizewell C projected to start up in 2035, Times reports

#thetimes #btsgb #thefinancialtimes #nuclearenergy #sizewellc

The Times Newspaper has revealed that the much anticipated Sizewell C nuclear power plant is due to commence operating in 2035, if approved, although concerns are still being voiced about progress on Hinckley Point C.

Despite a projected start date of late 2025, construction works on Hinckley Point C have been subject to costly delays, and the facility is unlikely to begin generating power until at least 2031, if not later. In the interim, its original budget of £18 billion has risen to more than £41 billion.

It is intended that Sizewell C, a joint project between EDF and the UK government, will have a 3.2 gigawatt capacity and generate approximately 7% of the UK’s current electricity needs. For this reason the government believes it will play a key role in the UK’s low carbon future.

Despite widespread doubts regarding the cost of the new plant, EDF is maintaining that costs for Sizewell C will be reduced “by learning lessons from Hinckley Point C.” In the meantime the Financial Times has reported that the government has made “contingency arrangements” in case of a delay in obtaining funding.

Whether the new plant will be delivered on time and within budget will become clear in time.

Emily Gosden, ‘New UK nuclear power station will start up in 2035, claims EDF’, www.The, 28 January 2025


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