Ashok Dhammani
Advisor to Board, Chairman & Director at Startup|Enterpreneur| Global Leadership and Influencer Award selected| | IITian | NIT
About the document : The document narrates the plot of a Science Fiction story which can be converted
into a book or film.
Disclaimer : The name and situations in the following narration is completely fictitious. Resemblance or
similarity with any individual or company or situation is mere coincidence.
Copyright : This document is property of Ashok Dhammani. Its reproduction in print or electronic media
including TV and Films without prior permission of the document owner is prohibited.
Group of scientists are working at Indian Institute of Brain Research (IIBR), Deharadun, India to unravel
the mystery of brain. Nikhil Sengupta, director of institute, is an astute and sharp gentleman. He has
obtained his degree in neurology from Oxford. He also received his masters & PhD from same university.
From childhood he has dreamt about doing wonderful in this world. His interest in brain got developed
earlier in his childhood and he was determined to work to unravel the mystery of brain.
He initiated a project in the institute to discover if brain generates signals which can be detected from
anywhere in the world or more suitably by satellite. He constituted an interdisciplinary team consisting
of eminent neurologist and electronics & communication engineers and assigned the task to them. The
team comprised of neurologist Achutya Desai, Bharti Seth and Electronics & Communications Engineers
Archana Dhariwal, Rohit Kumar. The team was given a large budget to draw resources.
Both Archana & Rohit get immediately started on the work to make a piece of equipment which can
detect signals from brain remotely. After many months of effort and series of deliberation with their
colleagues Achutya and Bharti, they come up with a device which they are ready to test with. They set
the date to start their trials from coming Monday.
All four of them assemble in their fourth floor lab at sprawling campus of IIBR. With mix of nervousness
and excitement, they switch on the device and control its parameters on the software console. There is
no success. They further fine tune the control parameters but there is no success in the effort. They
leave the day on sad note. They continue their effort for few more days but there is no success.
Team members were getting demoralized but Archana was determined to continue her effort. She
deliberates with Achutya, who has become close friend of her and for whom Archana has developed
affection, during lunch on possibilities. After lunch break Archana takes the lead and fine tune
parameters on software console based on fresh insights she has after deliberation with Achutya to see if
any signals are getting detected. And suddenly there is blip on the monitor and it stayed. There was
excitement in the room but they wanted to confirm on their findings. They continue their work for few
more days devising various mechanisms to confirm it and to crosscheck that it is not coming from some
source of noise. After much trial, they confirm that they were able to detect signals from brain. Also
during their trial they come to know of what they started describing as brain signature, a concept that
each brain generates unique signal patterns. It was a major observation they made during their trials.
They called on Nikhil Sengupta to communicate him their confirmation on the above two findings. Nikhil
was excited and within 10 minutes he came down from his sixth floor administrative office to the lab. He
stayed with the team for around two hours and saw for himself their findings. He was excited and his
brain was brimming with the new possibilities to explore.
Nikhil did not sleep that night. His brain was running with many possibilities and ideas which was coming
as storm. An adapt organizer, he started organizing his thoughts and setting up priorities. He defined the
immediate priority to test if the signals get detected by a satellite from space.
Next day Nikhil calls Achutya, Bharti, Archana & Rohit for a meeting over tea. He also invites two
satellite communications engineers Sudhakar Reddy and Dhananjay Mishra to join them. He briefs the
team on the finding so far and sets new goal to add GPS capability, receiving signals from many brains
simultaneously and making device which will be able to do the above from satellite. Nikhil had big plans
for the team and he was moving in a stepwise manner.
The extended team worked for long hours every day to make a device with the capability Nikhil desired.
After months of effort they finally came up with device and associated software. The progress was
getting communicated to Nikhil regularly. Nikhil was keen to see the device to be positioned in space as
soon as possible. He was in touch with Indian Space Organization (ISO) for a suitable date for launch. He
gets a date which he communicates to the team so that they ensure that everything is ready by that day.
The day arrives and ISO launches the device to space along with other commercial satellite. The mission
to position the device was a success. After confirmation from ISO that the device has been positioned,
Sudhakar attempts to communicate with the device in space. He was able to communicate with the
device effectively.
Next day, the team of six assembles to start their testing. They position the device to search for signals
coming from their lab. They achieved success after some effort. They build that capability in software
that they can also arrive at the height from which signals are coming. They complete their procedure to
confirm that signals which was being received from the space was indeed being emitted by their brains.
They also used shielding caps on brain which the team developed to ensure that the signals emitted by
brain are not released. They increased the range of distance and they were able to receive signals from
thousands of brains in that area. They could also test the concept of unique brain signature for every
individual. They communicated the success of objectives to Nikhil. Nikhil was thrilled at the success.
Nikhil was able to visualize many steps forward but he wanted to guide his team in stepwise manner. He
communicated with team and advised them if they can decode the signals from brain. He set up the
priority with signals associated with thoughts and spoken words. He called it brain reading.
The team worked hard and added additional capability on on-ground devices leaving the space device as
it is.
After months of research they made a success in receiving signals associated with thought. They also
found to their surprise that two sets of signals are received from brain; one prior to it reaches conscious
mind or mind associated with awareness. That in effect means, that a person with this device can tell
that person whose brain signals are being received what is coming next to the persons mind!! It was just
mind boggling.
Meanwhile, Nikhil called up one of his confident friend to lab and attempted to receive signals from his
brain. He the communicated to his friend exactly what he was thinking. His friend was just shocked. He
got further surprised when they were able to tell him what is going to be in his mind before thought
came to his awareness.
Nikhil came to know about the latest finding and he continued and said, if they have achieved success in
decoding thoughts then they can also look how signals can be sent back to brain and generate capability
to listen without ear. He called it brain listening.
Again, the hardworking team worked on his instructions and after weeks of effort was able to work on
signals associated with thought and manipulate and send signals which brain receives as though
listening. They followed due caution that they tested this thing on animals before applying on humans.
Nikhil was more than thrilled to have decoded signals associated with thought and listening which he
called brain reading and brain listening technology respectively.
He was enthusiastic to see the social aspect of discovery of his team. He sought volunteers from deaf
and dumb. He also got devices made where a word spoken can be sent to satellite and which in turn get
transmitted to deaf’s brain giving him capability of listening. Also he did send thought signals received
from dumb’s mind to be sent to device where it get translated into speech giving dumb speech. The
technology looked promising for the good of society. He also tested brain to brain communication
where two colleagues communicated with each other using thoughts. This could lead to major
breakthrough in future communication methodology.
The team used space positioned device and updated software to brain read & brain listening capability.
They in their launched device also added capability to transmit signals sent from the software on
ground. This added feature proved a boom at this stage give the team immense capability at mass level.
While Nikhil was exploring the good cause to which the team’s discovery can be used, Rohit Kumar was
thinking otherwise. He took a copy of the software client home and started exploring signals from
known industrialist. He scooped for many days and pinpointed on individuals who was looking into the
companies day to day financial transactions. He compiled their bank user ids and passwords. He was
about to go forth with his plans to take away the money from company bank accounts but he stopped
due to possibility of getting tracked though other means. He still however had other ideas. The
technology can be used as a detective means. He contacted a resourceful company and sold them
access to software at a large sum through which they can read thoughts of the people they want with
the GPS capability of system. The company applied the technology on ministers and were able to get lot
of confidential information. The company benefited a lot from the technology. The nature of technology
was such that it does not leave any evidence behind and the person whose brain is being read does not
come to know about it.
Nikhil though satisfied with the results achieved so far was still looking for more. However, he first set
up priority on consolidating on the capability developed so far. The team worked for months to fine
tuning software to brain read and brain listening.
Nikhil meanwhile was thinking on future possibilities. His intuition was guiding him to explore more. His
attention got focused on five senses of human. He argued that when brain reading and brain listening
can be achieved why brain sight, brain smell and brain touch cannot be achieved. Like the earlier two
terms he coined from reading thoughts & listing without ears, his meaning for brain sight was to see
what a person is seeing by processing the signals associated with sight, by brain smell was to sense the
smell by processing signals from brain and his meaning from touch was to sense the touch by processing
signals from brain.
Nikhil and team worked hard for few years and were able to achieve their objective.
Nikhil was more than overjoyed at the capability of process signals associated with five senses. Yet his
mind was exploring more.
One day he was sitting in his office and he closed his eyes. After few minutes a word flashed in his
mind…”Nirvana”. Taking inspiration from religion, he argued to himself, if at all Nirvana exists it is state
of mind….can his technology find something on this.
He thought about his new inspiration for days and how that possibly be explored. He did good research
on what was available. He resorted back to neuroimaging technology. It clicked in his mind as to is there
any part of brain which does not get activated on any activity. After months of study he succeed in
zeroing in a zone of brain which did not get activated on any activity. He explored on how this could be
activated. After more months of research he could target signals on that part of brain and receive
After further working on this for few days he declared what is Nirvana all about. He promised to show
this to volunteering individuals.
He demonstrated that en-mass to group of people and demonstrated them a sense of Nirvana, a sense
of enlightment.
The other company which stole it in India, Ambani, Narendra Modi and Adani has nothing.