Six Years is Nothing (Feb Celebrations & Stretches)

Six Years is Nothing (Feb Celebrations & Stretches)

Can you believe it’s been six years since two of the many other beautiful things in my life happened? I guess it’s true what they say about how time flies when you’re having fun… And I couldn’t be more grateful for these past six beautiful years.

One of them was finally quitting my corporate job to start my journey as a full-time entrepreneur. And the other one was me welcoming JJ into the world. I still can’t believe I walked into client meetings with my little man (still a newborn) strapped across my chest. Some might call that “unprofessional” but to me, that was a beautiful moment between a mother and her child.

February in highlight:

  • We flew to New Mexico with the kids
  • Did a lot of traveling
  • Spent some time with a soul sister (and got wonderful feedback for my book)
  • Explored some passive income investments
  • Hired a copyeditor and cover designer for my book
  • Elevate has been getting plenty of leads
  • Both the agency and coaching business made a total of $95,797
  • And sooo much more

One of the biggest highlights this month is my entrepreneurial journey going on for six years now. Really, if you told me this was how it’s going to look like… I wouldn’t believe you.

Honestly, we had no idea what we were doing back then. We just kind of evolved with the business and went with what we think is best for our clients… Continuously learning as we go. If you’re looking for a sign from the Universe to start something beautiful for your life, this is it.

It won’t always look like a dream. You’ll have times (more than you can count) when it’ll feel like you’re moving sooo slowly and that things aren’t happening the way you envisioned them. But when you zoom out and look at it from hindsight… you’ll realize everything was happening in perfect timing.

This is the reason why I keep the tradition of listing down Celebrations & Stretches for each month. Not only does it keep me accountable… It's also a beautiful way of looking at how much and how fast I’m actually going.

To me, it’s more than just a monthly review I do so I have something to share with you at the end of each month. It’s mostly me patting myself on the back for all the wonderful things that have happened - both for me and for others.

It’s also a nice way to practice and celebrate GRATITUDE and INTENTION… How the Universe is working in ways we can’t imagine and comprehend. That is something worth celebrating.

So I’m inviting you to get comfy… Grab yourself a delicious snack or beverage and sit with me as we go through my February Celebrations & Stretches. And if you haven’t already, I highly recommend you also list down your celebrations and stretches for the month.

You never know how much of the beautiful things that happened you missed to celebrate.




