The Six Words I Hate The Most

The Six Words I Hate The Most

I envy my wife for many reasons: she is more intelligent than I am, she is more understanding and compassionate, she is (probably) a better parent than I am, and people love and trust her unconditionally. She is also a very successful finance executive, with a long and well-established career that continues to impress me every day. (I do hope she is reading this!)

My envy is also in the lack of subjectivity in her work. Either the budget is balanced or it's not. Bills are either paid or not. There is either profit or loss, with no actual wiggle room in between. While I would be miserable living in spreadsheets all day, I have strong moments of jealousy when she can easily articulate when the numbers are right or wrong (I am drastically over-simplifying her job a bit just to make my point).

In my world as a marketer, these black-and-white conversations are far less frequent and the source of a great chunk of my stress. As an example, this is a conversation that I had with a client last year:

Me: What did you think of the landing page mock-up?

Client: I think I want to see something different.

Me: Not a problem, can you share more about what you are looking for, or what specifically you did not like about his mock?

Client: It just didn't do it for me. I want it to pop and sizzle!

Me: Can you help me understand your vision? Is there a website that you love that has the "pop and sizzle" you are looking for?

Client: I don't know. I just think it can really stand out more.

Me: I understand. Is it the colors, layout, or any other visual element that you think needs to stand out a bit more?

Client: I don't know. I'll know when I see it.

And there it is. The six words I hate more than anything. "I'll know when I see it". For me as a marketer, these are the words that make my insides crumble, as they offer no direction for my work, and instead, set the stage for multiple rounds of revisions until I capture something that sticks.

One of my growth areas for 2023 is to better solve this issue and to find out (in advance!) more about the desired direction and vision that each client may have. While I am sure I can never avoid this comment ever again, I hope to reduce its frequency quite a bit this year.

So any advice here is welcomed. How do you handle these situations? How do you uncover the "pop and sizzle" that a client may be looking for without multiple rounds of revisions and the not-so-helpful "I'll know when I see it"? Please share your comments!

#marketing #advice #branding #design #coaching #digitalamarketing #help

Ha! If I had a penny… You’ve worked for some top companies so I’m sure you have strategies that have helped you get this far. I really work on goals on the front end and setting expectations of the review process which includes specific feedback. I also understand, though, that it’s hard to communicate something so subjective if you are not in Marketing. And Kudos to your awesome wife. She is amazing.


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