The Six: Types of LinkedIn Connections You Need In Your Network

Quality > Quantity. There I've said it. I've become anti-LION, anti-AlwaysBeNetworking Hashtags, and anti-accepting everybody. There are a few situations where these rules don't apply: job seekers, b2c sales representatives, and college students starting out their careers. Everybody else needs to maintain quality contacts relevant to their career goals and objectives. These Six Types of Connections in your Network will create a more effective LinkedIn experience for you.

  1. Current and Previous Co-Workers You Like. Why? You had a professional relationship with them AND you got along with them well. Maintain the professional relationship with them. There is no reason to disconnect unless they give you a reason.
  2. Current and Previous Positive Vendor/Customer Contacts. Why? It is always good to be the person that "knows the perfect person for the job/task/etc.". If you had a successful partnership with them before odds are you'll have a successful relationship with them again. Example: if your company has a meeting about needing a better vendor for uniforms, and you've maintained a relationship with John from G&K who everybody knows is AMAZING if he's your guy, then you have the solution very quickly. That's an easy win for you by being "connected".
  3. People Who You Admire. Why? Because it's awesome to have any form of relationship with people who inspire you or have had an impact on you. An example for me is anyone from Tooth & Nail Records because that's the music I listened to growing up. Turns out they're real normal people too and that's even more cool.
  4. Other people In Your Field/Same Position. Why? These people will keep you posted on when to get certified, consider higher education, or what programs/trainings are helpful and relevant to your industry. Relevant local network industry connections.
  5. People Starting Out In or Have An Interest In Entering Your Field. Why? Because they'll ask you questions that will keep you sharp. It is important that as a leader, you help newcomers to your industry. Their success is your success. Ideally they will turn into #1-4 connections.
  6. Personal friends/relatives/etc. Why? I have always been consistent in telling you whenever a rainy day comes to "activate your safety net". If your safety net is on here they can help you find a new opportunity much faster than if you go it alone. ...and if you don't accept their connect request they're liable to bring it up at the next family gathering and make you look bad in front of grandma. Can't have that.

Everybody else you can cut out. My reason for encouraging folks to cut back is these people who have 10,000+ connections, how quality are the relationships they have? I'll bet near zero if they aren't in the categories I said before. The quality of your news feed is everything. If you're not seeing what you need to see it's costing you more than you think. Time to Spring clean!!




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