Six Things Your Patients Are Looking For In A Great Dentist
Dr. David Moffet BDS FPFA CSP
Dental Practice Management Specialist > Dental Practice Profitability Expert > Dental Operations Consultant and Coach.
You don’t need great customer service in your business.
Customer Service is overrated.
Patients won’t come to see you because your staff say “please” and “thank you”.
They will come to see you because you are the best dentist in town.
Here’s why they will come to see you:
1. You have done so many clinical CPD courses that your office walls are literally wallpapered with your certificates.
Patients don’t care for relaxing pictures and big TVs on the wall in your client lounge.
All they want to see is how many certificates you have from as many organisations you can be a member of.
2. People will come to your business because they heard you do the greatest occlusal stainings on your Cerecs and your crowns
Don’t bother wasting time being nice to people.
Spend that time sculpting fabulous anatomy and staining on your ceramic work.
And make sure you take plenty of high resolution photos and post them on dental social media forums.
3. People will beat a path to your door because they heard your crown margins are the best in the area.
When your patients are out and about socialising with their friends, they are always talking about how fine their restorative margins are.
After all, we see them retracting their lips and cheeks all the time at BBQs and cocktail parties.
4. Patients will begging you to let them come in and see all of that beautiful cabinetry you have in your dental treatment rooms.
The amount of cabinetry you can display from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling on every possible wall in your treatment rooms is what impresses your patients.
They don’t want your staff to talk to them about their weekends. They would rather sit back and admire your joinery.
5. People will come to see you in droves because you have the latest and greatest CAD-CAM systems.
Yes, AND, they’re phoning talkback radio to let the world know that their dentist has more Cerec machines than anyone else in your area….
6. People will be lining up outside your office door because they heard your prices are the lowest in town.
It’s the number one question asked by new patients when they phone your dental practice:
“Are you guys the cheapest in town?”
And after all, you employ two full time staff members to phone around all of your competitors to make sure that nobody is undercutting you.
The public don’t care for all of those Customer Service niceties at the dentist.
They don’t want any of that fancy stuff….
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The Ultimate Patient Experience is a simple to build complete Customer Service system in itself that I developed that allowed me to create an extraordinary dental office in an ordinary Sydney suburb. If you’d like to know more, ask me about my free special report.
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