Six Things To Know About Gen Z
Alece Birnbach
Graphic Recorder, Graphic Facilitator, Visual Notetaker, Illustrator, Scribe
The Future Of Work is a huge topic right now. In fact, it seems like every corporate summit I graphic record includes a session on it. But we can’t talk about the future of work without talking about Gen Z, so who are these young people and what do they care about?
Generation Z is currently the largest generation in the world, with an age range of 8-23 years-old. They make up 1/3 of the workforce and 40% of the consumer base. Heavily influenced by the crash of 2008, they saw people lose their jobs, homes, and life savings. This influenced the values they're bringing to the workplace today, six of which I believe are worth noting:
- Like Boomers, this generation prefers face-to-face communication.
- They take in all of their information through visuals, and distrust photography that looks like it could be manipulated (not authentic).
- They get their news through podcasts and influencers, trusting peers more than anyone.
- Hard work and financial security are a high priority (also like Boomers).
- Passionate about charity and community, they value brands that demonstrate a commitment to those things.
- The trait they value most in a leader is positivity.
This last one gives me the most hope for the future. Welcome to the workforce Gen Z!