Six Things 10.11.22
Insurance Thought Leadership
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Paul Carroll, Editor-in-Chief of ITL
How much has the world been turned upside-down in the past year?
Well, a year ago, the major annual survey of insurance executives by the International Insurance Society found that a third were focused on dealing with problems caused by low interest rates. This year? A third say they're focused on dealing with problems created by high interest rates.
Concern about the pandemic receded in the past year -- but plenty of other worries replaced it. In particular, the IIS's 2022 Global Priorities Survey found that the percentage of executives saying that addressing geopolitical conflicts was a top political and legal priority soared from 5% in 2021 to 42% in 2022.
"With war raging in Ukraine and tensions rising on both sides of the Pacific," the IIS reports, "one executive described the situation as a 'breakdown of the post-WW2 global political order' while another worried that 'the world is becoming increasingly volatile and thus risky.'”
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