Six Soft Skills that can Propel Everyone’s Career
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Six Soft Skills that can Propel Everyone’s Career

Hard skill is really important, ie. for a developer his/er efficiency in programming language and understanding non functional requirements. Today, I am going to share 6 soft skills that can propel your career in the remaining days of 2024. Let’s jump in -?

Time Management

Time is the most finite resource on this planet and you can not create it so learn how to manage your 24hrs effectively. Being precise how to manage your whole work during the work hours. This doesn’t mean that you can stop taking more work, instead focus on learning how you can speed up finishing your work. The simplest way is to look ahead and copy the habits of people who do the same.

How to manage time in different positions on the corporate ladder

Time Heist: Steal 5 Hours Back from Your Day with this 3 minutes Routine

Marketing & Sales

You might think you are into coding and you don’t need this skill. You are wrong my chap, this is one skill that is much needed for everyone. Let me change your perspective, marketing doesn’t mean only bringing clients or selling your products to end users but it is also selling your ideas to stakeholders or getting everyone to agree to follow your approach.

Remember those days when you had a wonderful approach to solve some problem but the selected approach was not a great fit to solve the problem. After a few weeks of failure your approach has been implemented and worked well. This will not always be the case.

You lacked the skill of Sale or Market your idea; or you might lack the next skill.

Communication Skills

Communication is not all about the words but it is much more than that, your body language and voice tonality adds more than 90% to your communication skill. Most Indians are afraid of speaking English as that is not their native language. If you are among them, focus on the remaining 90% that anyone can learn. Learn how to talk like high-valued men/women.

Clear and Concise Communication

Financial Management

No matter in which field you are in, sooner or later you will reach up to a point where you have to estimate the things that are directly connected to finances. Even the estimated time to finish your task, that you have been providing from the very beginning of your career is a part of financial management. We always pick the most efficient solutions, plus learning this skill helps you in personal life too. When you know how to control your money and grow it, you get a headroom to think and improve your skills without worrying about it.

Story Telling

One of the underrated but most rewarding skills for the leaders is storytelling as people learn in metaphors and remember in stories. If you have the skill to create wonderful stories, imagine how much you can get out of it -?

  1. Directly set the ideas, patterns or learning in the audience's mind.
  2. Being remembered among everyone, so they will come to you with similar problems which you have solved.
  3. Creating a personal brand without much effort.

and many more…

Self - Control

No matter how many nice things you have said or how great work you have done; people will always remember a negative comment of yours even if you said it under provocation or in anger. Thus self-control is a very important quality for all those who aspire to reach the top.

Learn how to control yourself.

Announcement: Publishing will be Off for Next Week(July 22nd, 2024)'s Issue

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Anks Srivastava


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