Six Reasons You Need A Coach Right Now
Believe it or not, coaching is a game changer. It is the best kept secret of CEOs and Executive Leadership for the largest and most well-known organizations. Coaches are utilized to elevate your game. It doesn't matter if you are facing a monumental challenge or a once in a lifetime opportunity. Your coach will help you navigate new waters.
Ever question if you would benefit from coaching? Here are 6 reasons to start coaching now.
You've Stumbled
You stumbled and then you stopped. There is not one person in existence who hasn't fell short of their desired results. Though this "failure" does not define your potential, if not processed properly, it can do long-term damage. It may damage your self-esteem. It may halt your momentum. Coaching can assist you in processing the "stumble" and confidently define and pursue next steps.
You're Stuck
You are stuck in all senses of the word and cannot move forward. How long have you uncomfortable in your comfort zone? Frustrated with the day-to-day routine. Sometimes annoyed and not even knowing why... This may because you feel stuck in your current role or situation. You are ready for something different and fresh but need help creating escape route. Coaching can help you craft a plan that addresses your concerns regarding departing from your current routines, while simultaneously reimagining the possibilities for your life ahead.
You're Scared
You are too scared to move forward. Strangely, success and failure can be equally frightening when imagining your future. But when you closely examine your specific fears, they are often based in exaggerated, nonsensical beliefs about yourself and others. Coaching escorts you out of your pessimistic fantasy world into the reality of your strengths, opportunities, and possibilities.
You're Scattered
Your thoughts and ideas are scattered and lack the focus and commitment needed for success. In other words, as soon as you start contemplating, you are overwhelmed with the possibilities. You may also find yourself starting projects, investing ample time and energy, only to stop mid-project to focus on something new and exciting. You are a creative, an innovator that can always find a solution to a problem, but that is where you stop. You start projects with vigor but stop early on because another great idea has come to mind. This may result in so many projects, ideas, and options that you don't know where to focus or question if it is all possible. Coaching can provide a sense of awareness and accountability to address behaviors that are keeping you from reaching completion.
You're Stretched
You are stretched beyond your capacity resulting in little to no progress on your goals. Your everyday responsibilities have you operating at your max. You may often feel tired, overwhelmed, and, even, burnout. This can occur for so many reasons, like overcommitting your time to others, working multiple jobs to make ends meet, acting as a caregiver for children/adults. At the end of the day, everyone and everything else takes priority over your personal needs or desires. In this case, your coach can guide you in better managing your priorities, time, and boundaries.
You're Stepping Up
You are ready to step up and welcome your next opportunity or chapter with open arms. Are you ready to pursue a promotion or career change? Maybe you want to open your own business? Maybe you want to move and start fresh in a new city, state, or country? You know change is the next step and you are open to it. Coaching can help you fully evaluate your options, resources, and desires. You will be guided through a more intentional decision-making process that will keep you motivated while you elevate your game.
Finding YOUR Coach
It is not enough to hire just any coach. You need to find YOUR coach. Finding a coach is similar to finding a doctor, spouse, or hair stylist. Your coach needs to be a good fit for you and your needs. This means you may want to check the following when searching for a coach:
Though coaching has been used for decades, it is relatively new for the masses. If you have questions about coaching, there is lots of information online. One place to start would be the International Coaching Federation (ICF). They are currently the largest coaching association. You can find research, articles, and a coach directory on their website.
If you are interested in scheduling a complimentary coaching session with me, please email [email protected].