Six Needed Habits to Develop
Myra Reidy
Lifestyle Transitioning Mentor, Home Business Coach, Professional Connector, LinkedIn Social Media Expert, Peak Performance Trainer, Change Agent, Educator, Cosmologist, History Buff, Wellness & Health Enthusiast
An entrepreneur wears lots of different hats and play so many varying roles. At times, it can feel like a 3 ring circus. Now, if that entrepreneur is working from home, that 3 ring circus can quickly become a zoo.
So, what is a business person to do? The development of effective habits are important. What might those habits or practices look like?
Below is a short list of habits to help move an entrepreneur into more efficient practices.
- Be resourceful. Use the tools that are available to you. If your company has a system in place to help you manage prospects, leads, recruits, and/or customers, then use them. Why reinvent the wheel? Learn to use those systems. If you need help, be sure to ask for it. If the old systems are not working for you, investigate some alternatives.
- Be willing to take calculated risk. Take a survey of what is and is not working in your business. Be willing to invest in a coach or a mentor that can help move your business to the level of efficiency.
- Be a warrior. Do not just give up when things get tough or busy. Take a determined attitude to face whatever challenge is coming your way. Sometimes, the biggest challenge is to be consistently consistent and not quit when you are so close to moving forward.
- Be flexible with your time. During a day, problems do come up. Learn to bend with the day. Do not get out of joint if your work schedule gets disturbed. You can always back up and regroup. It is a matter of learning to think on your feet.
- Be always in learning mode. A beginner’s mindset is the goal. Remember what that felt like? Ask questions? Be willing to listen and be teachable.
- Be self discipline. You manage yourself. You can provide the needed structure to your day to get your tasks accomplished.
Regardless of whether you work at home or an office, these 6 habits can be of great benefit to you. It may be that you start with one or two of the habits and then work up to the total 6. It is a matter of replacing old habits with new. It may take some time. However, in the long run, you and your business can reap the benefits of these 6 habits.
I hope that you find some value in this writing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me.
Best Wishes,
Myra Reidy
P.S. Are you looking to take your business to the next level? If yes, then click HERE.