Six Nations - the pressure builds.
I counted 25 plus articles that I read myself on the opening weekend and it shows there is a voracious appetite which is great for the game and this phenomenal tournament. Anyone who has visited Dublin for an International will bathe in an experience to remember, mostly Guinness based whatever the result. As a player I remember finding a miniature bottle of tempting Baileys liqueur on my pillow on the eve of the match with a handwritten note assuring me it would help me sleep better! Oh go on then...... These were in the times when some Irish players warmed up for the encounter with pints of Guinness on the Wednesday. No more, but I suspect plenty was consumed by the Irish squad on Saturday. Some things don't change!
Make no mistake, England brought a fantastic first half to Lansdowne Road, full of exciting play and pressure. More points were needed because everyone knew there would be an onslaught into England's head scratching but now traditional weakness of the third quarter f but Ireland's first half scramble defence was excellent ( ring any bells? Cue the Springboks). Matt Dawson noted that after 50 minutes and the scores locked at 10-10 the Irish team were in tight huddles plotting their next 20 minutes, while England were drifting in one and twos. Perhaps this is the answer - if we are in the game this weekend after 50 minutes, can there please be a time out NFL style and England have a team talk on the half way line on exactly how much they will leave out there to get a result. One off missed tackles, soft penalties and crucial errors are what shows up in statistics, but is it the Woodward TCUP (Thinking Correctly Under Pressure) which applies here. I also ask what decisions leave Mitchell and Smith guarding the wide open spaces. As we saw, it can be costly. You need your least effective tacklers surrounded by support.
In Scotland, Italy showed their version of TCUP when 19 points down away from home. What a quality side they are, coming back to 19-19 before sheer brilliance from the Scottish backs did the job - 5 starting Lions that I can see, Kinghorn, Van de Merwe, Graham, Jones and Russell. England's backs should take heed of what it means to contribute meaningfully to an outcome rather than an occasional half-break and if the Scottish pack achieves parity at Twickenham there are danger signals everywhere. Meantime, Gatland is right the challenge for Wales is huge and this is their biggest game for years because it may be the only one in reach and Italy will be red hot favourites. Remember they should have won 3 out of 5 last year and their players are bang in form.
As for France I have no idea what to think as they felt no pressure and England will bring that come this weekend.This really is a moment for our National team and psyche, I have been shown a statistic which is P21 W3 D1 L17 over the last couple of years against top tier nations. Grim.
Well I remember some years ago appearing in a white shirt against Scotland who had 10 British Lions, seeking the Triple Crown and we had lost 5 out of the last 6, plus being behind to Japan at half time at Twickenham that Autumn before some late tries. Against the trophy- seeking Scots (and we also had 5 players banned including the Captain after the Battle of Cardiff, guess the year?) it was a day of sheer bloody mindedness, fanatical tacking, a roaring crowd - and yes some drizzly dreek weather - and some real pressure rugby. We won. I say it so many times, around every street corner there is an England team which can beat anyone in the world. Tear up the hymn sheet (to a degree) , embrace pressure, look each other in the eye and dare not to miss a tackle, or give away the loose penalty, to make the pass you know you can. Last of all, this is a French team which has won precisely nothing, everyone has their 'point de craquer'. Let us find it on Saturday.
Let Wales find something deep within, and let Scotland blow open the Six Nations with a backs inspired win against the Irish. Then we have a third round to make the commercial directors themselves sing arias up to the heavens.