The Six Most Important Questions in Business!
Graham Harvey CSP
Service Leadership: Coaching service leaders and their teams to design cultures of service excellence, and to deliver standout customer experiences that delight every customer ... every time!
Why? Where? What? How? When? & Who?
WHY? ... Mission. (Purpose) Why are we here? What is our core purpose? What business are we in? What is the product of our product or service offering? What are the end result, take-home benefits, that our customers receive from us? What value do we add to their lives? Why do our customers do business with us?
WHERE? ... Vision. Where are we going? In what direction are we headed? What is our ultimate destination? What will our business look like when we have finished building it? Does everybody on our team clearly understand our vision of the future?
WHAT? ... Values.(Principles) What specific values, principles, and ethics underpin our culture and guide our decision making and our resultant conduct and behaviour? How do we translate our values into behaviours? What should we do, as opposed to what shouldn’t we do? What is our Code of Conduct, or Code of Excellence? Do we have a team “Rules of the Game” including repercussions for non-adherence to our values and ethics?
HOW? ... Strategies. How do we plan to achieve our vision? What are the categories of work to be done that make up our overall plan? What resources are required to develop and implement our plan? Do all stakeholders understand and appreciate how their role on the team connects with all other roles?
WHEN? ... Objectives. When will our stated aims be achieved? What are our specific targets, goals and milestones along the way? How will we measure our progress? What is our timeline for milestone events? What are our collective and individual OKR’s? Are all our OKR’s fully communicated, understood and ‘owned’ by everybody on our team?
WHO? ... Priorities. Who is responsible and accountable for what in the next ninety days? What are the top five priorities for every division and department across the organisation in the next ninety days? What are the top five priorities for each member of staff / stakeholder, in the next ninety days?
Simple questions ... complex answers.
To be reviewed ... EVERY NINETY DAYS!
Great! This article provides a comprehensive framework for businesses to define their purpose, direction, values, strategies, objectives, and accountability, ensuring alignment and progress through regular reviews.