The Six Mental Faculties Bob Proctor Assures Will Bring Success
According to Bob Proctor, the reason we don't have an inch of success is because we haven't tapped into the frequencies that can bring us closer to our goals. "An educated person is someone who has developed the faculties of their mind that they can acquire anything they want..."
Proctor advises us to control our thoughts and emotions to allow us to get what we want. Staying in control of these things won't be easy, especially under difficult circumstances. In a world where we are always reacting or responding to our surrounding, there are six mental faculties we need to master to find success:
“The cause of fear is ignorance, [which] starts in a conscious level as doubt and worry. Then we turn it over to our emotional mind. … That fear then has to be expressed through the body. It sets up a vibration known as anxiety, [and when] anxiety is not expressed, [it] becomes suppressed. The suppression turns to depression, which turns to disease, which turns to decay. It’s a very negative track. The opposite of ignorance is knowledge. There’s only one way to knowledge — and that is to study.” – Bob Proctor
Our imagination is always running wild. We can transform a bad situation and turn it into a better one regardless of what is going on in the outside world with our imaginations.
Imagination turns nothing into something.
This creative outlet can help us reach our dreams faster because we can create a clear image of what we want to create new trains of thought that lead us to those dreams. We might not know how we will reach point F but day-dreaming can help us get from point A to point C quicker than we can imagine.
The more we concentrate, the stronger our will.
Many people struggle to finish something they started and go towards something else before even getting to the point of any success. Holding an image in our minds of what we can control and focusing on the image we would like to see in our lives.
What we think about the most, we will become.
Everything has an opposite effect.
There are different ways of looking at one thing that can affect our point of view. Once we begin to change our perception, we will begin to change our point of view.
Perception is affected by two main scenarios – choosing what agrees with our beliefs and moments where our mind believes is important to us.
Intuition is knowing something without understanding the why before it at the moment. It's something that you just know.
Many people will say this is God speaking to us, letting us know something we need to know. Our intuition can guide us to do something. The next time you are constantly busy, stop and listen to hear what it is telling you.
Reason is the ability to think.
We don't usually do enough thinking to get us from point A to B. We create thoughts into pictures, which gets us thinking about how we can do things in our lives.
According to Bob Proctor, there is no such thing as a bad memory. We can learn names, places or things through the association of two or more things. With more practice, we will never have a "bad memory" problem again.
“Once you make the decision you will find all the people, resources, and ideas you need every time.” – Bob Proctor