Six Critical Questions to Ask Potential Security-as-a-Service Providers
Drew Lydecker
AVANT Co-Founder & President | Empowering Trusted Advisors to evolve faster than technology. Currently hiring ROCK STARS!
No two managed security service providers (MSSPs) are alike, and when push comes to shove, you need to choose a vendor that can provide next-level security to keep your customers’ cybersecurity nightmares at bay.
That’s why we asked Ivan Paynter, a security expert from our esteemed vendor Masergy Security, for a list of the most critical questions you should ask when choosing a sound security-as-a-service solution for your customers. Knowing the right questions to ask your potential vendors could be the difference between finding the perfect fit for a customer and losing a customer.
Read full article to learn the 6 key questions to ask when interviewing MSSPs: