Six (6) years of Corruption by Jamaica’s Public Sector Executive, Dr. Donald Farquharson and others, comes to light.

Now Managing Director of Factories Cooperation of Jamaica, out of the Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica with full knowledge of the corruption.

Government of Jamaica and Donald Farquharson sued in the Supreme Court.

Victimization from the JLP government for exposing their two Corrupt Henchmen.

In 2010 my employment as a Hospital Administrator of the Bellevue Hospital, was abruptly terminated without any reason by Donald Farquharson who was the Regional Director of the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA).

The corruption was discovered in August 2016, in an official letter to me from SERHA’s new Human Resource Director with a number of fraudulent documents discovered on my work file, inserted and used to justify the corrupt action against me by Donald Farquharson. They are as follows;

1.     Fraudulent Performance Evaluation Report (PER) on my file with no name or signature of an Evaluation Officer and with several damaging things about me.

2.     Fraudulent memorandum of complaint signed by many persons with many damaging things on my character and professional work, which was never made known to me.

3.     False information that I have worked at the Bustamante Hospital also, and created problem there. A hospital that I have never worked in all my life! 

Donald Farquharson is responsible for the insertion and use of all of the above fraudulent things against me in a highly corrupt way.  The then Chairman of SERHA, Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley who is now Chairman of Factories Cooperation of Jamaica also, was in no uncertain way a party to the corruption too. Also Ms. Novlin Leslie Little, the then HR Manager of SERHA and now with the Western Regional Health Authority conspired with the corruption too and refused to give any reason to me for the termination, when she delivered the termination letter to me signed by Donald Farquharson.

This corruption took place after I exposed a number of mismanagement practices being carried out by the then Personnel Manager, Ms. Maureen Golding and others at the Hospital.  The matter was also reported to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Jean Dixon in a letter dated September 17, 2010 after I received a threat from Donald Farquharson to fire me, and asked for her urgent intervention into the matter.  She however ignored my request and clearly conspired with Donald Farquharson to terminate my employment.

The court action was filed after writing to SERHA’s management three (3) times, including Chairman Phillip Armstrong and Minister Christopher Tufton, requesting resolution and redress in the matter, of which there was no courtesy of such a response to any.  The Chairman, Phillip Armstrong’s exact position as per email dated September 20, 2016 “There is no need for further investigation in this matter. The mater is now considered closed.” Minister Christopher Tufton also had full knowledge of it and did nothing. This is how corruption works in Jamaica with the Minister of Government and Board Chairman appointed by the said Minister embraced the corrupt ways of life.  

Exciting Mangoose event in the serving of the Court Documents

In serving the court documents myself as permitted by the Civil Procedure Rules, there was no problem serving them on SERHA and the Attorney General.  However, the culprit Donald Farquharson refused to be served with the court documents.  After several attempts to serve the document on him at his workplace address, in a highly professional way, he refused to face me to take the court documents.  On all occasions he was in office, locked himself in his office, and gave his Administrative Assistance repeated excuses to give, “Oh I am busy, I am in a meeting, I can’t see him now he will have to come back another time.” He probably think such senseless behavior can exempt him from a court case.

His uncivilized behavior with regards to a court matter that he is involved in was unbelievable!  Even though unavoidable clear messages and written notes were sent to him, telling him exactly that I have Court documents to serve on him, he refused to comply.  His Administrative Assistance also tried her best to educate him of what a Court document means and its implications by hiding from it. However his corrupt conscience got the better of him. “Anyone who knows the typical behavior of a Jamaican Mangoose would understand my experience.” His behavior in hiding from a Court Action was clearly outlined in the Affidavit of Service to the Court.

After the 42 days given to file defense, none of the defending parties filed defense; Attorney General, SERHA and Donald Farquharson, have not filed defense in the matter.  Hence, Request for Default Judgment was made to the Supreme Court.  In light of no defense filed which is a clear admission of the guilt of corrupt action that was carried out against me and the Request for Default Judgment, the Attorney General Mrs. Malahoo Forte on whom all documents were served, was written to on June 27, 2017 asking to settle the matter.  However no courtesy of a response has been received to date.     

The role of the then Chairman of the Board of Management of SERHA, Mr. Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley in the corruption and his abuse of Power as a Non-Executive Chairman.

In the letter of complaint to Dr. Jean Dixon, Tanny Shirley was a part of the complaint too, for his abuse of Non-Executive Powers as Chairman in the Executive matters of the Region.  On many occasions Mr. Shirley dominated staff meetings as if he is Chief Executive Officer.  On one occasion he dominated and denied me the right to speak in a staff meeting at the Bellevue Hospital on a major issue that I was in charge of as Administrator.  On another occasion I was summoned to a meeting at the Mitchells Complex, Tanny Shirley private business place, by him after writing a Memorandum of complaint to the then Acting Regional Director Beulah Stephens querying a couple things on my legitimate Performance Evaluation Report.  Ms. Beulah Steven was acting while Donald Farquharson was on leave.

At the meeting consisted of me, Ms. Beulah Stephens, Ms. Claudette Lewis and Ms. Novlin Leslie Little, chaired by Tanny Shirley. I was properly cursed off by Tanny Shirley for writing the Memo about my Performance Evaluation Report, which was none of his business as a Non- Executive Chairman! Upon cursing me off properly he advised the other persons in my presence to prepare a new Performance Evaluation Report on me.  He then dismissed me from the meeting and continued a private meeting with the other persons. The Fraudulent and Corrupt Performance Evaluation Report found on my file was the instruction of Chairman, Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley. The Executives however knew that it was an illegal instruction from Tanny Shirley because the legitimate PER was already prepare, with all passing grades and handed to me.  As such none of them could sign off on Tanny Shirley fraudulent request. They did set up Tanny Shirley properly with his corrupt Public Sector Management Practices! 

Victimization from the JLP Government of Jamaica and the questioned involvement of the corrupt Public Sector Management Practices of Donald Farquharson and Tanny Shirley in the government of Jamaica again. 

It’s been more than a year now since the discovery and exposure of the corrupt termination of my employment as Hospital Administrator was made known, and nothing has been done by the government to resolve the issue and to reinstate me in a suitable job position.  Despite the many vacancies that came up in the Regional Health Authorities and the Ministry of Health itself, I have been discriminated and victimized against.  The source of victimization is clearly coming from the Office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica. 

The two corrupt minds are embraced most romantically by the office of the Prime Minister, with Donald Farquharson being the Managing Director of Factories Corporation of Jamaica, and Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley being the Chairman of the said Factories Cooperation of Jamaica.  A government agency that is directly out of the office of the Prime Minister of Jamaica and under the governance of Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Junior Minister Daryl Vaz.  Also Tanny Shirley is the Chairman of the Prime Minister’s Enterprise Team for the Privatization of the Riverton City Dump, appointed straight out of the office of the Prime Minister. 

It is sad to see what governance is all about in Jamaica now under this present JLP government.  Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Junior Minister Daryl Vaz were in no uncertain ways officially informed about the corrupt Public Sector Management Practices of Donald Farquharson and Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley, yet they continue to embrace them as Elite Officials in the Public Sector of this country.  Also the Prime Minister was informed in no uncertain ways of the deliberate cover up of the corruption by Minister of Health, Dr. Christopher Tufton and the Chairman of SERHA Phillip Armstrong in formal complaints.  To date the Prime Minister did nothing, he cover up everything.  The Board HR Director of Factories Cooperation of Jamaica Mr. Fabian Brown and HR Manager Ms. Sacha Desulme were also informed about the two corrupt public officers in the Factories Cooperation of Jamaica, who did nothing as well. 

The two corrupt public officials continue to enjoy life in the Public Sector of this country, while I continue to suffer all the consequences of unemployment and massive victimization from the JLP government for exposing their two corrupt Henchmen.  What have I done wrong?  Have I been involved in any corrupt activities?  Have I breached any Public Service Regulations? Absolutely not!  The Attorney General, Mrs. Malahoo Forte who has responsibility to direct the government on what is right from what is wrong, has she advised the Office of the Prime Minister about the corrupt management practices of Donald Farquharson and Tanny Shirley?  I have not seen any evidence of that to date, the only thing I see is victimization against me! 

Criteria used to select and keep Public Officials in the JLP Government of Jamaica. 

What performance criteria were used by Prime Minister Andrew Holness and Minister Daryl Vaz to have Tanny Shirley and Donald Farquharson back in the Public Sector of this country?  When I send this publication to them both I hope they will provide some objective answers.

In the mean time I will say what I know.  Donald Farquharson was appointed as Regional Director of SERHA by the Board of Management led by same Chairman Tanny Shirley, the same pair at the Factories Cooperation of Jamaica now.  Also Donald Farquharson was Health Facilities Consultant in the Ministry of Health, out of the office of the then Permanent Secretary, Dr. Kevin Harvey.  What good came out of such high profile appointment with big remuneration?  Everyone knows the bad state of affairs of the health facilities across the island, to name a few; Cornwall Regional Hospital, May Pen Hospital, other Hospitals and Health Centres across the island etc. The money used to pay Donald Farquharson would be better used to fix the facilities out of their bad states.  

As far as I know there were no significant accomplishments by these two to put them back into the public affairs of this country.  As a resident in the Region, I do not know of any significant improvement to SERHA during their many years there, more than to maintain what was there and not in any best ways.  From my own experiences at the Bellevue Hospital I got the hospital in the following conditions under SERHA’s leadership of Donald Farquharson and Tanny Shirley;

1.     Nurses/ Doctors bathroom at the Emergency Room with two toilets and no wash hand basins.

2.     Leaking roofs of wards

3.     Shortage of chairs for nurses and doctors to sit on.

4.     Damaged doors and windows badly needed replacement

5.     Raw sewage flowing on the compound in front of wards

6.     Damaged fence walls allowing Tugs to invading the hospital compound posing serious threats to Doctors, Nurses, patients and other hospital workers.

7.     Ancient day toilets on some wards for medical staff and patients with overhead tanks and chain to flush. None of them were working and buckets of water had to be used to flush them.

8.      Half of the hospital compound was without lighting posing serious danger to the life of nurses, doctors and others at nights.

9.     Maintenance staff had no materials to work with.

10. Inhumane and dilapidated state of affairs at the Kenneth Royes Rehabilitation Centre in Spanish Town, a part of the Bellevue Hospital. 

11. Lack of blood pressure machines to treat patients. 

12. Poor equipment and maintenance conditions of the Kitchen providing food for the patients. 

13. The Emergency Room lack ventilation of Air Condition or Fans and was like a furnace for the patients and staff.  

These and many more, of which I had to put aggressive management practice into action to address them and to bring back the hospital to some sanity of operation. Those were conditions that existed for many years before, under the leadership of Regional Director Donald Farquharson and Chairman Tanny Shirley of SERHA. 

The Kenneth Royes Rehabilitation Centre in Spanish Town was supposed to be the main Rehabilitation for the mentally ill upon recovery to normal life. That, an approximately 100 acres property was to a large extent abandoned by SERHA, the same leadership of Farquharson and Shirley.  I started the rehabilitation of the buildings and property which was well supported by the Ministry of Health Project Manager and Food for the Poor.  I got the abundant acres of fertile land bulldozed out of the Bellevue budget to start a farm property with a farm manager, that would make the whole Bellevue Hospital self sufficient in food and assistance to other hospitals. SERHA who had promised to assist with the fencing of the property fell back on their promise and decided to abandon the project, and with my employment termination nothing further went on. 

The Kenneth Royes Rehabilitation Centre is where all of the able body patients and permanent residents of Bellevue Hospital was to be transferred to get back into normal life and then move back out into society.  However Donald Farquharson and Tanny Shirley could not see anything that is sensible!  It is amazing to see a small portion of the property that is given to Mustard Seed Community has been developed into a highly self –sufficient complex, housing several patients.  While the abundance of the property remain unused/ wasting away under the current leadership of SERHA’s Regional Director, Maureen Golding and Board of Management by Phillip Armstrong.   

In addition to the two characters corrupt Public Sector Management Practices, Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley cannot even manage his own private businesses.  All of his Hagley Park Road businesses, Mitchell’s Complex, went out of business and that same Elegant Conference Room that he cursed me off in, he cannot even go back in it!  A monumental auto parts store owned and operated by Mr. Mitchell for decades up to his death, has now sunk worst than Titanic, into the deepest sea under the new management of Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley.

Shortly before the termination of my employment I was offered a 100% financing donation from an overseas based Charity group through one of my connections, to rebuild the Bellevue Hospital Complex into a modern state of the art hospital facility, and to accommodate other facilities in the region also.  While I was in the process of drafting the proposal to present to the Ministry of Health, my employment was abruptly terminated.  I humbly advised the Charity group of my unceremonious departure and the offer went to another country.  

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, please tell the world why you and Minister Daryl Vaz are so romantically embracing Lyttleton (Tanny) Shirley and Donald Farquharson back into the Public Affairs of this country, when they are undoubtedly serious liabilities to the country. You recycle them, put them back into the most expensive Jacket and Tie suit will not make them into any better persons!   

Silvera Adjudah

Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator

4 年

Thanks for your support Carvel.

Fellisia Mckenzie

Company Owner at Organic Intimate Health Group of Companies

6 年

Why am I not surprised the government of Jamaica is both the route and vehicle of all corruption in the country. Politicis is just a money making business funded by the country no wonder it’s no better off. A 100% finance budget for that project was a good deal and the country need it.

Silvera Adjudah

Educator, Public Health Specialist, Social Scientist, Medical Technologist. Freelance Lecturer and Small Bus. Operator

6 年

Thank you Marie, I appreciate your objective opinion.

M.P T.

Senior Operations Analyst @ NYU Langone Health | BBA in Healthcare Management

6 年

Omg this is horrible and sad to see that there is so much corruption on the little Island of Jamaica. The Prime Minister need to do better.


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