Sitting On Your Bum This Xmas?
Rachel Frances Thomson DipITS, DipBE, QTLS, IBAM, MCIMSPA
Improving movement through education | Helping exercise professionals gain a deeper understanding of intrinsic biomechanics’
Ok it IS xmas and everyone feels that they have earned the right to sit on their bums for several days, including YOU, am I right?
Well, ok ok ok some of us might go walking or to the gyms that are open at some point, BUT xmas day is pretty much SIT ON YOUR BUM ALL DAY, DAY don’t you agree?
So this Juicemail is NOT going to tell you NOT to sit on your bum.
Oh no!
I myself will be doing this for at least a full day or maybe even 2.
A Rubbish Secret
However let me tell you a really rubbish secret…..even sitting on my bum for a day I KNOW how to keep my pelvis moving freely!!
The question is DO YOU???
In fact another question is DO YOUR CLIENTS??
Since they are the people who pay us to get them moving well, pain free and with reduced risk of injury, right?
Now I KNOW one of your biggest problems is not only getting them moving well in the first place but also KEEPING them moving well. So the last thing you want is for all of that hard work to be undone over xmas, isn't it?
The practical skills a PT like YOU can learn in our academy will enable you to educate your clients how they can maintain a freely moving pelvis over the xmas break. This is even possible without getting up from their sofa!
So my xmas gift to all of YOU is a sample of one for you to use yourselves AND also to pass onto your clients right now or maybe when they came back to you a couple of pounds heavier AND feeling a little bit stiffer…
The 4 Sign Pelvic Function Exercise
Sitting on your sofa, cross your right ankle over your left knee, ensure your party hat remains in place.
Make sure your ankle bone is on the outside of the thigh and you’re as relaxed as possible. Maybe even with a mince pie in your left hand.
Now put the wine glass thats in your right hand down on the table and place your right hand on the inside of your right knee. (Don’t worry this will only take 1 minute 20 seconds then you can pick up your wine glass again)
Now while rotating your right knee/leg into your right hand so that your right ankle is also rotating down into the outside of your thigh - understand this movement should be coming from the hip - you can still talk part in the games of charades going on.
If you are doing this correctly you will be adding pressure with your hand to keep the knee from lifting - so no movement actually occurs. This creates a muscle energy technique.
This particular one requires ONLY 20% effort which wont feel like a lot, if anything at all - don’t worry this is correct and is also why this technique is so fantastic for doing while you are sitting on your bum next to your sleeping grandma!
How It Is Done
Now hold this with 20% effort as a static contraction for 20 seconds.
Repeat 4 times (maybe even in between slurps of wine)
Then do the same on the left leg.
If you do this periodically over the days that you are glued to the sofa it should contribute to maintaining at least some of the function of your pelvis.
High doses of chocolate and xmas pudding have not been shown to reduce the effects of this pelvic function exercise…
Final Word
Please do your 4 Sign, enjoy yourselves everyone and KEEP MOVING FREELY!!
Want to LEARN MORE about Pelvic Biomechanics? CLICK HERE