Sitting with discomfort and not loosing yourself

Sitting with discomfort and not loosing yourself

I just came from from 2,5 weeks of South-Africa - 3rd year on a row (it is becoming a pattern???)

There are so many learnings from these days spent. And it takes time to step back and zoom out.

However, what is stepping out for me is being to sit with the discomfort and staying within myself. I know well of the stepping away (physically or mentally). And this is a loose-loose position. So staying at the table, looking at what needs to be seen. Not always easy...

Yet, it's also an art of allowing things to unfold and each learning to sit aside one another from a different place within instead of engaging and voicing up etc. Both are useful, yet it's a question of what intervention is serving most at what moment...

And I also don't forget the laughter and joy as well! Combining the discomfort and the joy of the beauty, of the path that has already been walked.

Lifelong learning! Grateful for all the teachers who come along, the visible and invisible ones.

Weaving all this into life is another exercice which requires discipline, remaining awake and being conscious. Body awareness has become my most useful and loving ''tool'. Aside my brains, which I cherish and will always love.

Below you can find my offering

(mostly in Dutch - contact me if you're interested in an English version)

Authentic Leadership from your Body (Workshop Embodied Leadership)

Embodied Leadership

Grow in authenticity by integrating the wisdom of your body.

When you connect head and body, the impact of your leadership increases - consciously and unconsciously.

It is an experiential workshop that combines systemic insights with the power of movement and group dynamics.

With junior mthombeni

???? 7 december

???? in Hoboken (South of Antwerp)

???? 325€ excl VAT

???? registration? [email protected]

Systemic Work in Organisations

Systemic Work is a powerful method that quickly gives new insights from which movement can emerge. Interesting especially if you want to grow the potential in your working environment (teams, assignments,...). Or if you want to look differently at recurring issues and discover how to deal with them differently.

Online Inspiration Sessions

We will explain the principles of systemic work and how they respond to a number of themes. Plenary 1 case will be discussed. With Wendy van Nunen .

???? Dates: 10 nov, 6 dec from 8.30-10h

???? Online, max 8 participants

???? For free

???? registration? [email protected]

Weaving Wisdom (Training in Systemic Work, Ancient Wisdom and Rituals - 7 modules)

Weaving Wisdom

You learn systemic work beyond the method and as a way of moving in life, in groups, at work. A deep dive into your personal leadership with impact privately and professionally.

  • Theory and very experiential (the quality of the intervention depends on the inner state of the intervenor).
  • Every Thursday evening there are constellations with personal and professional issues
  • Guest trainers from South Africa (online)

In each module, we focus on the following issues that are the foundation of the curriculum and systemic work, ancient wisdom and rituals:

  • - Our body is the best guide to the deeper self. Growth needs to anchor itself physically in the first place. Our body's wisdom goes beyond our mental capacity and understanding.
  • - Rituals and ancient wisdom put you in touch with what is bigger than yourself and always present within yourself. In the wordless, each person can listen to their inner voice.
  • - Something you give language to exists. Language (re)structures the field and needs loving courage to be spoken so that movement is created. It restructures within yourself and in relation to people around you. Your emotion and your body provides the answer.
  • - Growth from maturity and servant leadership

???? dates 2024: 18-19 January, 22-23 February, 21-22 March, 18-19 April, 3-5 May, 31-31 May, 20-21 June

???? Location: Antwerp

???? Trainers: Ria Verlinden , Evelyne Debeuckelaer

???? Price: 2995€ (excl VAT) private; 3795€ (excl VAT) self-employed/entrepreneur, 4295€ (excl VAT) corporate

Below the leadership programmes for women - an offering from Irresistibly Wild (Onweerstaanbaar Wild)

because listening to your untamed soul is irresistible.

"Irresistibly Wild" offers a personal growth journey for women with a de-discovery of your leadership over your life, who you are and what you stand for.

Belonging versus fitting in

(From nice woman to vital woman)

Belonging versus fitting in

  • Both aloneness and 'belonging' are serving. When is it no longer freedom of choice?
  • Growth is the price of no longer belonging somewhere.
  • Embedded in ancestral field, I stand powerful and walk my path.

????Date: 16 maart 2024

???? Location: Kleimolen in Opwijk

???? Price: 220€ (incl. vat for individuals)

Choosing for your own fire

"To be alive, is to be guilty" (B.Hellinger)

Choosing for your own fire

  • Betrayal to take your life full on, beyond innocence.
  • Resisting the temptation of a (too) easy life.
  • Choosing soul nourishment and what makes your heart smile.
  • "The authority that's good to follow lies in your own soul." (B.Hellinger)

????Date: 5 October 2024

???? Location: Kleimolen in Opwijk

???? Price: 220€ (incl. vat for individuals)

And I'd like to end with a quote that came to my attention just today:

You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body. (C.S.Lewis)

Till we meet again! ???

Evelyne Debeuckelaer

noomly - leading beyond


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