Site-to-Site VPN Between GCP and AWS Cloud (Dynamic Routing)
Aslam Chandio
Cloud Engineer || 3x GCP Certified || 6x Azure Certified || 1x AWS Certified || 1x VMware Certified || Docker & Kubernetes|| Terraform || Linux || MCSA Certified ||
This tutorial demonstrates how to create highly available VPN connections between Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for direct communication between VPC networks across the two cloud platforms.
This tutorial assumes that you’re familiar with basic concepts of virtual private cloud (VPC) networks, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), virtual private networks (VPNs), and IPsec tunnels.
Google Cloud provides a?highly available (HA) VPN?service to connect your VPC network to environments running outside of Google Cloud, such as on-premises or on AWS through an IPsec VPN connection. HA VPN provides an?SLA of 99.99% service availability?when configured based on Google best practices.
Architecture overview
The architecture described in this document includes the following components:
Step 1 — Create a VPC network on Google & AWS Cloud.
VPC on Google Cloud:
gcloud compute networks create gcp-vpc \
--subnet-mode=custom \
gcloud compute networks subnets create gcp-vpc-sub1-us-central1 \
--network gcp-vpc \
--range \
--region us-central1 \
--enable-flow-logs \
gcloud compute networks subnets create gcp-vpc-sub2-euro-west2 \
--network gcp-vpc \
--range \
--region europe-west2 \
--enable-flow-logs \
gcloud compute networks list
gcloud compute networks describe gcp-vpc
gcloud compute networks subnets list --filter gcp-vpc
gcloud compute firewall-rules create gcp-vpc-ssh-allow \
--network gcp-vpc \
--action allow \
--direction ingress \
--rules tcp:22,icmp \
--source-ranges \
--priority 1000 \
--enable-logging \
--target-tags gcp-vpc-ssh-allow
gcloud compute firewall-rules create gcp-vpc-internal-allow \
--network gcp-vpc \
--action allow \
--direction ingress \
--rules tcp,udp,icmp,ipip \
--source-ranges \
--priority 1100
Create Two VMS (Public & Private VMs)
gcloud compute instances create public-us-vm \
--image-family ubuntu-2204-lts \
--image-project ubuntu-os-cloud \
--boot-disk-size 20GB \
--subnet gcp-vpc-sub1-us-central1 \
--private-network-ip \
--zone us-central1-b \
--project gcp-prod-project-377414 \
--tags gcp-vpc-ssh-allow
gcloud compute instances create private-euro-vm \
--image-family centos-7 \
--image-project centos-cloud \
--machine-type e2-medium \
--boot-disk-size 20GB \
--subnet gcp-vpc-sub2-euro-west2 \
--private-network-ip \
--zone europe-west2-a \
--project gcp-prod-project-377414 \
VPC on AWS Cloud:
aws ec2 create-vpc --cidr-block --output table
aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --enable-dns-support "{\"Value\":true}"
aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --enable-dns-hostnames "{\"Value\":true}"
aws ec2 create-tags --resources vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --tags Key=Name,Value=AWS-VPC
aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --cidr-block --availability-zone us-east-1a
aws ec2 create-subnet --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --cidr-block --availability-zone us-east-1b
aws ec2 create-tags --resources subnet-07c82f715b726e54f --tags Key=Name,Value=AWS-VPC-PubSub1
aws ec2 create-tags --resources subnet-0cac30b89fc5e3ec5 --tags Key=Name,Value=AWS-VPC-PvtSub1
aws ec2 modify-subnet-attribute --subnet-id subnet-07c82f715b726e54f --map-public-ip-on-launch
aws ec2 create-internet-gateway --output json
aws ec2 create-tags --resources igw-09a332ea3a9ec7f0f --tags Key=Name,Value=AWS-IGW
aws ec2 attach-internet-gateway --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7 --internet-gateway-id igw-09a332ea3a9ec7f0f --region us-east-1
aws ec2 describe-internet-gateways --output table
aws ec2 create-route-table --vpc-id vpc-0adfd6b9e963d85e7
aws ec2 create-tags --resources rtb-06db711fbb21b8891 --tags Key=Name,Value=PublicRT
aws ec2 create-tags --resources rtb-041d2652c6f984e15 --tags Key=Name,Value=PrivateRT
aws ec2 create-route --route-table-id rtb-06db711fbb21b8891 --destination-cidr-block --gateway-id igw-09a332ea3a9ec7f0f
aws ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-id rtb-06db711fbb21b8891
aws ec2 associate-route-table --subnet-id subnet-07c82f715b726e54f --route-table-id rtb-06db711fbb21b8891 For AWS-VPC-PubSub1
aws ec2 associate-route-table --subnet-id subnet-0cac30b89fc5e3ec5 --route-table-id rtb-041d2652c6f984e15 For AWS-VPC-PvtSub1
gcloud compute networks create nw1-vpc --subnet-mode custom
Create Two VMS on AWS Cloud(Public & Private VMs)
Step 2—Create an HA VPN gateway and Cloud Router on Google Cloud.
Note: Now no Longer Classic VPN in GCP support Connection for on-prem and other cloud
Create Cloud Router
Google Compute Engine VPN gateway
Network?: gcp-vpc
Region: us-central1
Google ASN: 64514
Create HA VPN:
Note : Public IP of GCP VPN Gateway (
Note: Depend on you create one or two tunnel on GCP Cloud
vpn gateway name: gcp-aws-connection
Note: Only Create Cloud HA VPN gateway in later steps?(Step-7)?we can create Add VPN Tunnels.
Step 3— Create customer gateways on AWS.
The customer gateway is the representation, in AWS, of the far side of Other side VPN connection. This is basically the IP address AWS will be contacting.
Enter the name of Customer gateway
Put GCP Static Public IP in Customer gateway IP Address Field
Click Create a customer gateway.
Step 4— Create “Virtual Private Gateway” on AWS Cloud
A virtual private gateway is the representation of a “VPN concentrator” in AWS. Think of it as the AWS side of the connection between the two networks — the gate out of the AWS VPC.
Step 5— Attach Virtual Private Gateway to the VPC
In the Virtual Private Gateway screen, select your new gateway and click “Attach to VPC”.
Each VPC can only be connected to a single Virtual Private Gateway.
Click on “Create Virtual Private Gateway”
Choose a Name of VPG.
ASN Number(AWS Side): 64512
Step 5 — Create the “VPN Connection” in AWS
We’re ready to connect the two gateways.
Name tag:?aws-gcp-connection
Target Gateway Type:?Virtual Private Gateway
Virtual Private Gateway:?VPG ID
Customer Gateway:?Existing
Customer Gateway ID:?CD ID
Routing Options:?Dynamic
Local IPv4 network CIDR:? (AWS-VPC)
Remote IPv4 network CIDR:? (GCP-VPC)
Tunnel 1:
Pre-shared key for tunnel 1 : Abcd1234
Tunnel 2:
Pre-shared key for tunnel 1 : Abcd1234
Step 6— Download the Configuration from AWS
Software:?Vendor Agnostic
In this download file following parameters are important:
1: Internet Key Exchange Configuration (From Download File)
- IKE version : IKEv1
— Authentication Method : Pre-Shared Key
— Pre-Shared Key : Abcd1234
— Authentication Algorithm : sha1
— Encryption Algorithm : aes-128-cbc
— Lifetime : 28800 seconds
— Phase 1 Negotiation Mode : main
— Diffie-Hellman : Group 2
3: Tunnel interface configuration (From Download File)
Outside IP Addresses:
— Customer Gateway :? (GCP HA Public IP)
— Virtual Private Gateway :? (AWS HA Public IP)
Inside IP Addresses
— Customer Gateway :
— Virtual Private Gateway :
Step 7— Create an external VPN gateway and VPN tunnels on Google Cloud.
ADD VPN Tunnel(Create a Single VPN tunnel)
peer VPN gateway name:?aws-peer-side
Name: aws-peer-side
Interfaces: HA Public IP)
Assoicated Cloud VPN gateway interface (GCP HA Public IP)
Assoicated peer VPN gateway interface (AWS HA Public IP)
IKE Version: IKEv1
IKE pre-shared key:?Abcd1234
BGP Connection:
Name: bgp-connection
Peer ASN:?64512?(Virtual Private Gateway ASN -AWS Side)
Allocate BGP IPV4 address (Manually)
Cloud Router BGP IPV4 address:? (Customer Gateway)
BGP Peer IPV4 address:? (Virtual Private Gateway)
GCP Side Connection Established
AWS Side Connection Established
Step 8— Route Propagation in AWS Cloud
Edit Routing table of Subnet
GCP Public ( & Private Subnet( route propagated on both Route tables of AWS VPC.
Step 9— Route Propagation in Google Cloud
Automatically aws-vpc cidr propagated in gcp-vpc Routes
Step 10— Update Firewall Rule in GCP Cloud
gcloud compute firewall-rules update gcp-vpc-internal-allow --source-ranges,
Step 11— Update Security Group Rules in AWS Cloud
GCP subnet CIDR
Public SG:
Private SG:
Step 12— Test Connectivity
AWS Public EC2 Can ping both private & Public VM in Google Cloud
GCP Public VM Can ping both private & Public EC2 Instances in AWS Cloud
Step 12 — Test Dynamic Routing
Create another Subnet in GCP Cloud in different region
gcloud compute networks subnets create gcp-vpc-sub3-asia-southeast1 \
--network gcp-vpc \
--range \
--region asia-southeast1 \
--enable-flow-logs \
Create VM
gcloud compute instances create private-asia-vm \
--image-family centos-7 \
--image-project centos-cloud \
--machine-type e2-medium \
--boot-disk-size 20GB \
--subnet gcp-vpc-sub3-asia-southeast1 \
--private-network-ip \
--zone asia-southeast1-c \
--project gcp-prod-project-377414 \
Automatically Subnet Route Propagated in Both Routing tables in AWS Cloud
ON AWS EC2 (Ping & SSH New VM in Google Cloud)
Cloud Engineer || 3x GCP Certified || 6x Azure Certified || 1x AWS Certified || 1x VMware Certified || Docker & Kubernetes|| Terraform || Linux || MCSA Certified ||
6 个月updated version
this article is amazing. it helped me fix my BGP session and the tunnel I have been debugging for 2 days now.
Senior Staff Engineer @ CERC - Cloud, DevOps, SRE
1 年You have saved me twice, with this article. Thank you very much!!
1 年informative Sir
Especialista de Infraestrutura II @ CERC | Cloud, DevOps, SRE
1 年This article is awesome!