“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” (Carl Sagan) "We organic beings who call ourselves human beings are made of the same matter and energy as the stars"?(Shapley. H, 1929).?

The dominant and hegemonic western narrative promoted by the 1% is the one of the historian Yuval N Harari, a pre-deterministic narrative of the history of patriarchal evolution (Sapiens, 2011) and the predestination of digital data - we are and will be prisoners of our data, NO ESCAPE (Homo Dues, 2016). Yuval N. Harari (2011) and many Western intellectuals argue that nothing happened in the history of humanity until Europe’s "Age of Enlightenment", the "Age of Reason".

For Yuval Harari the 17th-18th century Rational Enlightenment was the period of?“true civilizing” humanity beginning. A truly male superior science, a materialistic scientific method, ideological, political, and philosophical discourse defined European societies as a unique and universal foundation, as a superior to any other forms of human thinking and practices. Yuval N. Harari also argues "Hierarchy and inequalities are the inevitable price to pay for truly coming of age."

Anthropologists Graeber, D, Wengrow, D (2021) remove the veil from the Eurocentric narrative of Y. Harari versions of the historical myth, which portray the human past as a primeval soup of small bands of savages, hunter-gatherers, lacking in vision and critical thinking, and where not much happened, only until we embarked on the process that, with the advent of agriculture, and the birth of cities, which culminated in the Age of Enlightenment”. Graeber, D, Wengrow, D (2021).

What if the cities and advanced constructions of ancient civilisations already existed before the development of agriculture? and what if our ancestors defined as "hunter-gatherers" as "stupid savage" human beings, enjoyed scientific-technological knowledge and practices and of an experiential and spiritual existence far more complex and advanced than Western historians and anthropologists such Y. Harari have led us to believe?


Human beings are living and viable systems, we are super organisms of consciousness, we are not enclosed, fenced, or imprisoned by culture or belief systems.

We are not predetermined, or predestined, or preordained, by a patriarchal Eurocentric, materialist, logical, rational, linear, binary history narrative. (Y.N. Harari - Homo Sapien / Homo Deus).

WE DON'T NEED TO ACCEPT AND OBEY Eurocentric beliefs, value systems, ethics and morals historically imposed by scientific-cultural intellectual colonialism-imperialism, as unique, as universal, natural, neutral, and as a cultural superior narrative.

The time has arrived for us to detox, deconstruct and rewire our minds, to unlearn, relearn and co-learn together as conscious human beings.


Carlos A. Gonzalez Carrasco

“We are NOT fixed by neurons (BRAINS), NOT preordained by genes (GENETIC) or by our "digital BIG DATA mind-finger prints and NEURO-TECH IMPLANTS, we are not predestined by non-biological data", NOT pre-determined by our CULTURE, NOT by our geography or by NATION-STATE citizenship! It is time to go beyond the dogmas of neurons-brain, genes, techno data, and culture”. ? TM Gonzalez-Carrasco, 2017.

Our quest for knowing and discovering what is in the universe, what is in our planet earth and what is in ourselves, about our history, is open, dynamic, and continuous.?

Sistema Sapien is a holistic-cosmo-vision system of human wisdom, of multidimensional and multi-sensorial, super-organisms in all varieties of all its spheres and sub-spheres. In the Sistema Sapien, all systems are interconnected inter-intra, inter-related, they are receivers, emitters, transmitters, and conductors of energy (connectivity-conductivity-consciousness) with the ability to generate the energy of attention, intention, action in the processes of transformation of human consciousness and human wisdom.

Sistema Sapien is composed of five large macrosystems. All systems from the inside out, from the outside in, are living eco-super-organisms

  • INTERNAL ORGAN SYSTEM: eleven systems in our internal universe, all our unique systems are connected, inter-intra connected, integrated, intertwined.
  • FAMILY SYSTEM: system of social constellations within our families, of our friendships, groups, communities - social networks, a sense of connection and belonging.
  • HUMANITY BELIEF SYSTEM: society’s system of beliefs, values, ethical, moral, spiritual, economic, religious, political, ideological, ecological.
  • BIOSPHERE SYSTEM: Holistic ecological system that integrates all living things and their relationships, including their interaction with the elements of the lithosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
  • COSMIC-UNIVERSE SYSTEM: external systems beyond the solar system (astrobiology) we still don't know everything about the universe. The universe is energy.?

Sistema Sapien provides the epestimological, methodological, conceptual bases, the knowledge, the anatomy to unlearn, relearn, co-create, and generate the energy of a new space, a new system of eco-humanist consciousness and collective wisdom. It is about a sociocultural transformations and human empowerment, beyond the linear, binary, reductionist, fragmented narrative of patriarchal evolutionary human history.

Sistema Sapien is a multidimensional, multi-sensory, multi-perspective, open, fluid, dynamic system of energy, knowledge, consciousness, and wisdom, which establishes that everything exists in systems and networks of relationships and cooperation.

All is energy?- multidimensional, multi-sensorial, energy and matter (energy transform itself to generate matter)?are inseparably connected and involved in the process of?cognition for human interaction (the totality of human universal experience).

The universe and life are no longer an inert mechanical Newtonian concept that works like a machine, both the universe and life today are analysed as a process of intertwined relationships, energy networks, vibrations, frequencies, quantum, and electromagnetic fields, of resonance, of conductivity, of an inseparable constellation of?relations.?Human beings are inseparable from Nature.

In Sistema Sapien, consciousness and wisdom are parts of the whole human experience of living systems accumulated by human beings throughout the existence of the planet. All systems are interconnected inter-intra, inter-correlated, they are emitters, transmitters, and conductors of energy (connectivity-conductivity-consciousness-action) with the capacity to generate consciousness and human wisdom. All systems from the inside out, from the outside in are living super eco-organisms, these are the basis for generating a new system of eco-human awareness and collective wisdom.

We have blindly accepted a patriarchal system of gigantic, aggressive, and perverse greed without limits, where winners take all, a self-destructive system, where wars are naturalised, a system which continues to gamble with our lives as if we were some chips in the roulette wheels of the nuclear casinos of the superpowers.?

Eurocentric hegemonic ideologies have degraded and violated their own belief system, their ideological covenants of "freedom and democracy." This is a system of disempowerment, of disconnections, we have given our power away and put it in the hands of others, of those who subjugate us, exploit us, and oppress us. We have fallen into the trap of a truly irresponsible abdication of our personal power. We have accepted to be disconnected. There is no power in the disconnection.


We are born to be relational human beings, to connect and work in collaborative networks, to work with and through others, we are born to cooperate, co-share and distribute fairly what we co-create.

The system has fooled us to believe and live disconnected, we have lost our power and we have given it to others, we have truly and irresponsibly abdicated our power. We justify everything so as not to leave the hallucination, the deception is so well woven, it is so well done, that it is so difficult to see it, to feel it, to break the mirage, to see beyond the smoke screen, it is very difficult to see through the bars, it is almost impossible to get out of our mental slavery of the geopolitics of the mind. We still do not know to learn as to how to reconnect and re-empower ourselves.


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