Siskel and Ebert Ask If Oscars Should Be Awarded By Gender
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Siskel and Ebert Ask If Oscars Should Be Awarded By Gender

"The latest controversy is whether awards shows should consolidate their awards to all actors instead of by gender. I am Gene Siskel from the Chicago Tribune."

"And I am Roger Ebert from The Chicago Sun-Times. The Academy Awards have lost luster for many reasons. Having less awards and less opportunities to win would probably penalize women."

GS: I prefer separating the awards. Certain non binary performers do not want to identify as male or female.

RE: In life, that is their business. Professionally? Their choices should not make it more difficult to win. Would their be ten nominees for Actor and Supporting Actor?

GS: The word "Actor" is not gender specific. Much like "Doctor" anyone can be an actor.

RE: It would seem strange to refer to a female doctor as "Doctress." I use that methodology with waiters although they are more commonly referred to as servers which sounds more inclusive.

GS: Another reason it is unlikely they would make this change is the show is three hours long to maximize ad revenue.

RE: We should be so lucky as to have a three hour ceremony.

GS: This is not a new problem. They load big awards in the beginning and the end so the middle is usually tedious.

RE: At this point it will be a win if no one gets assaulted.

GS: That is a low bar. Are you excited for the show?

RE: Not really. There are so many awards shows leading up to it the winners are usually known because they won other awards. The show is no longer unique.

GS: The solution is less awards shows, not less awards. No one said anything when Linda Hunt won Best Supporting Actress playing a male character in The Year of Living Dangerously.

RE: All Hell would break loose on Twitter if she played that role now.

GS: Twitter is not a real place. On a better note- what did you think of Cocaine Bear?

RE: It probably won't be the darling of next year's awards cycle. When Ray Liotta passed last year and I read that he had filmed this it sounded like the mighty had fallen. It was entertaining and the mother looking for her child and her friend brought a level of humanity I was not expecting.

GS: It was done well. So was Creed III.

RE: They took it in a different direction maintaining the basic framework.

GS: Some franchises should be maintained. So the Academy should keep the award categories they have?

RE: It isn't broken. Men and women should be commended. They are nominated for their performance. Not for their gender. That's all the time we have for this episode. For Gene Siskel I am Roger Ebert and the balcony is closed.


