SIRF Rt at Weathertex
John Smith
Leadership | Strategy | Coaching | Facilitating | Problem Solving | OpEx | Knowledge Sharing | Connecting People & Industry
Fantastic event on spare parts warehousing at our Industrial Maintenance common interest working group meeting held at Weathertex which is located in Heatherbrae, near Newcastle. Thanks Jason Marsh, Operations and Engineering Manager, for hosting us and giving a great presentation and site tour of the facility that produces great Australian products like weatherboards and architectural panels. With 9 different businesses represented among the 17 participants there was a lot of networking and shared learning on the day.
In the yard at Weathertex during the site tour as their Maintenance Manager, Michael, shares some insights about the business.
During the session with a happy bunch getting into the conversation.
SIRF Rt has 3 roundtables across Industrial Maintenance, Supply Chain and Operational Excellence with over 45 member companies in NSW alone and a constantly growing membership base. With a vision of improving Australian industry the team works hard at meeting the needs of our membership base.
If you are interested in peer to peer networking, sharing and learning from the experiences of other Australian businesses to improve your business then membership would suit you.
Contact Les Wingham (0401 066 344) or John Smith (0407 380 232) to find out more.