The Siren Song of Mediocrity

The Siren Song of Mediocrity

"You're too obsessed with being healthy" someone told me yesterday.

"And that's not healthy!" He exclaimed.

For context, this was someone I barely knew.

And maybe he thought he was genuinely trying to help me out?

Did he really think I'd be better off with 30 extra pounds of fat around my midsection and a low-key alcohol problem?

Who knows?

He went on to tell me about the long-term psychological and physical consequences I would face for being "obsessed" which, at this point, was starting to get me a bit hot and bothered.

My ego just wanted to lash out and fire back at him by pointing out the fact that he was overweight, most likely unhealthy, and that his wife probably hates seeing him naked.

But before I let my ego take me there, I realized 2 things...

  1. This is not new criticism for me. In fact, it happens to me a couple of times a year. And despite my initial response of always being "attack!", I know it's silly to get drawn into this ego-driven silliness.
  2. I am witnessing just another message of mediocrity from someone who is just trying to "be normal"

Because "Normal" is where most people want to be, right?

It's comfortable, it's safe, and there's very little judgment when you're hangin' around good ole Normalville.

Every guy over 40 in Normallville overweight, on meds, and OKAY WITH IT.


In Normalville, everyone has convinced themselves (or has been sold on the idea) that Normalville is THE BEST place to be!

In fact, it's so great there, that they want YOU to join them.

And their tactic to get you to join them in Normalville is to vilify you are one of the healthy, fit people out there who is...


It's the opening lyrics to the siren song of mediocrity.

"Everything in moderation" they sing.

"Too much sacrifice and discipline is not good for you!"?

"Life is too short!"

I've heard this song sung many times over the years as I go on living my "out-of-balance", obsessively healthy life as a dude in his late 40's.

And look, if you live in Normallville an you are LEGITIMATELY HAPPY with being there...good for you!

I believe you have the right to do as you wish and live how you want without me trying to change you, but if you're someone who, deep down, KNOWS that normal is not good enough.

And maybe you're starting to see how you've been misled into believing that "everything in moderation" is the worst way to be AMAZING at anything in life.

Then I want to empower you to MAKE YOUR ESCAPE so that you can be AMAZING!

It's okay to be obsessed with your health and to live in a body that is amongst the 1% of health and human performance.

Some things are fundamentally good and SHOULD be obsessed over.

Like being a great Dad, or being a great Husband, or being a helper to others.

It's okay to be obsessed with great things without having to feel like you're doing something wrong.

And when you're okay doing what it takes to be better, you'll find you're capable of way more than what you may have ever imagined.

I've had the opportunity to work with some amazing people over the course of my career.

And sometimes they just needed to hear...

"It's okay to be GREAT!!! LEAN INTO IT!!!"

Never feel bad for rejecting "Normal".

And as you make your escape, and you get further and further from "Normalville," you'll still hear that song of mediocrity in the distance.

It never goes away.

Normallville will always be there.

Waiting for you to throw in the towel and quit.

If you want to...

Please don't ever feel ashamed of desiring greatness.?

And know that moderation has never led anyone to become GREAT!

And I believe you have greatness in you.

Waiting to be tapped into.

And if you're willing to think differently...

Your life can change DRAMATICALLY.

Your light WILL shine brighter and brighter in this world if you DECIDE to NOT settle for being a 50%er.

Strive to be a 1%er!!!

Lead the way for others to be amazing.

We need more leaders in this world.?

I hope you hear this call.

Let's frickin' goooooooooo!!!!

Your "Obsessed" Coach

Tony Bevilacqua


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