Sir Richard Branson Has A Message For You
Mark Dhamma
The ‘$Mil-A-Month Mentor’ I Help 7-Figure Coaches, Consultants & High-Ticket Offer Owners Scale to??1M/Month Past clients include: Sam Ovens, Tai Lopez
Hey Entrepreneurs!
'Don't become a slave to technology - manage your phone, don't let it manage you.' -Quote by Sir Richard Branson
Now, as an entrepreneur, you might be thinking,
"But Mark, my phone is my lifeline!
I need it to stay connected, respond to clients, and keep my business running smoothly."
And I get it.
In today's fast-paced, always-on world, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing that we need to be constantly accessible and responsive to succeed.
But the truth is...
If you're not careful, your phone can quickly become a digital leash that keeps you tethered to your work 24/7, robbing you of your:
and ultimately leads to BURNOUT.
In fact, based on my experience coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs over the past 16 years...
I've found that the moment your daily phone usage creeps above the 4-hour mark, your stress levels and anxiety start to skyrocket.
And let's be real - as a business owner, you're already dealing with enough stress and pressure as it is!
Being an entrepreneur is WAY HARDER than having a regular 9-5 job!
The last thing you need is for your phone to add even more fuel to the fire.
But it gets worse.
Because not only is excessive phone use wreaking havoc on your mental health, it's also taking a serious toll on your ability to perform at your best.
Every time you get sucked into the vortex of:
You're pulling yourself out of the deep, focused, 'Needle Work' that truly moves the needle in your business.
And over time, all those micro-distractions add up to a massive loss of productivity, creativity, and momentum, all while adding more stress!
So what's the solution?
Well, as Sir Richard Branson so wisely advises, it all comes down to taking back control of your technology, instead of letting it control you.
And one of the most effective ways to do that is by setting CLEAR BOUNDARIES around when and how you use your phone.
That's why I recommend using a timed phone lockbox -
essentially a safe that physically locks away your phone for a set period of time, preventing you from accessing it until the timer runs out.
By putting your phone in the lockbox for a few hours each day...
You create a distraction-free zone where you can fully immerse yourself in your most important work, without the constant temptation to check notifications or respond to messages.
Another powerful tool for reclaiming your focus is an app called Opal. Opal allows you to block specific apps and websites on both your phone and computer for set periods of time.
Unlike other focus apps that are easy to break...
Opal uses advanced technology to make it virtually impossible to cheat the system, ensuring that you stay on track and avoid the temptation of digital distractions.
But perhaps the most game-changing strategy of all is to implement a weekly digital sabbath...
a full day where you completely unplug from your phone and all other technology.
By taking one day a week to rest, recharge, and reconnect with the things that truly matter to you outside of your business...
You give your mind and body a much-needed break from the constant barrage of digital stimulation.
And trust me - the clarity, creativity, and renewed sense of purpose that comes from a digital sabbath is nothing short of transformative.
So here's my challenge to you:
For the next week, I want you to experiment with setting a hard limit of 4 hours per day on your phone usage.
using a combination of a timed lockbox, the Opal app, and a weekly digital sabbath.
I know it might feel uncomfortable at first, like you're cutting off a limb.
But I promise you, the rewards of reclaiming your focus, your productivity, and your peace of mind will be well worth it.
And if you need a little extra motivation, just remember the words of Sir Richard Branson:
"Don't become a slave to technology - manage your phone, don't let it manage you."
Your success and sanity depend on it.
To your focus and freedom,
Mark Dhamma, MA
High Performance Coach To Entrepreneurs
Helping You Increase Your Energy, Focus & Productivity So You Can Grow Your Business FASTER, Without Burnout.
CEO & Founder of Supercharged Entrepreneurs
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