Sipping Espresso with God
It's one of those perfect Friday mornings here in New Zealand, when the sky is so blue and the air so pure and crisp that you can almost imagine God sitting on your porch, sipping his espresso whilst taking it all in with a deep sigh of satisfaction.
And since God is sitting there delighting in his creative expression of beauty, I thought it a good idea to set aside some time to look back on all I've lived, all I've learned, all the a-ha moments to date that have shaped my world view of who I am, what is possible for me, what is possible for you.
One of those instrumental moments continue to be the first time I stumbled out of the ocean after completing a mind-bending 3.8 kilometre swim in my very first IronMan event. Mind-bending because that was the first time I could get myself to swim in the ocean after a near drowning as a child. Mind-bending because I had to teach myself how to swim by watching YouTube videos and then practicing weird drills in my local gym's pool. Mind-bending because as I finally approached the beach about as graceful as a drunken hippopotamus in the desert, I heard the voice in my head proclaiming : "Behind your fear lies your freedom."
As with everything, there's countless layers to this truth. So as I pondered another dimension, I came to understand that in this experience called human life, there's two forces at play in our minds. One being?divine consciousness?which is all about perfection, abundance, expansion, evolution: the more. The other is?mass human consciousness?still saturated with fear and it focuses on imperfection, scarcity and competition, keeping things small, weak and vulnerable, staying true to the past and honouring what is: the same and less.
No criticism, just stating the truth.
As we move through our days and our lives, we have the choice at every moment to question our personal train of thought and ask ourselves,?which consciousness is at play??Understanding that for each consciousness we say YES to, we say NO to the opposite.
So, if we say yes to fear consciousness, we say no to divine consciousness. And in the same breath if we say yes to divine consciousness, we say no to fear consciousness.
Sounds simple enough.
Here's the fanny wax: if you're still buying into the 'do what scares the bejesus out of you game', you're still playing in fear consciousness Darling. And you're saying no to all that is available to you in divine consciousness including fun, certainty, exploration, evolution with ease and grace, leaning back on the porch with God, sipping espressos and delighting in your expression of Self.
You're saying no to all the things your heart desires because you would rather believe the stories in your head that convinces you that you don't want it - I call BS! If you didn't want it, it wouldn't have come into your awareness in the first place. You're still saying no to receiving with pleasure and worth because you feel you would somehow be more worthy if you achieved it. You're still saying no to who you truly are because your societally approved identity is more precious to you as you KNOW what attention it gets you.?
And again, I'm speaking from experience so no judgement! This human game is messy and muddy and I thank my inner being for blessing me with an abnormally good sense of humour when it comes to myself or else I would still be that secretly shame-filled high achiever who would rather eat sticks than admit I had changed my mind!?
But I have.
And I continue to change her every time I check in and she's hooked into mass consciousness again.
Because I've said no to enough wonder and delight in my 51 years for the sake of saying yes to everyone else's beliefs.
So my question to you today is simply this:
When last have you intentionally considered what you're saying no to?
And is it no because it's from fear, or in fear??
With audacity and artistry,
?? Wherever life takes you, make it a masterpiece.
Experience Self-Leadership Alchemy with Elle Nagy
Elle Nagy is internationally recognized as a Self-Leadership Alchemist, guiding high-performing leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs to master the intentional creation of their greatest masterpiece—themselves. With a rare blend of psycho-spiritual wisdom and identity-focused transformation, Elle’s bespoke coaching services unlock the artistry of self-leadership, empowering clients to transcend conventional success and embody lives of profound impact and fulfillment.
Her tailored approach integrates mental clarity, physical vitality, and spiritual alignment, helping clients refine the nuances of their identity and craft a legacy that resonates across every dimension of life. Designed for those committed to excellence, Elle’s practice offers a sophisticated, discreet, and transformative experience—an invitation to step beyond the ordinary and sculpt a life of unparalleled artistry and influence.
For those ready to embark on the creation of their magnum opus, applications are now open. Inquiries are welcomed via her official contact page:
What a wonderful sharing of the true nature of a real relationship with God. Elle Nagy, may God guide, bless, and protect, you and all of the people that you value. Amen. The first time I read this post, I just supported it, and moved on. Was it God that brought me back to this post to add this comment?