Sip,Bid, Win Tea Board Edition
What a history Written in the Agribusiness and Agri-Tech Sector, A Revolution in Tea Crop has Just Started.
For a long time in history, Tanzania has been Selling tea through Mombasa Tea Auction. But the Government through The? Tanzania Tea Board collaborating with the Warehouse Receipts Regulatory Board and Bravo Group Ltd? has launched the first ever Dar-es-Salaam Tea? auction on 13th November 2023 which was hosted by the Tanzania Mercantile Exchange PLC (TMX ). Tanzania is a producer of CTC Black Tea, Orthodox Black tea, Green Tea as well as Herbal and Infusion tea.
This auction is also set to be the First Online Auction to facilitate the international buyers who are in any point of the world to participate in the Market. A clear practical demonstration of integrating Technology in Agriculture.The auction will be held each Monday
This auction is expected to trade 65 tonnes of the commercial crop and will play a vital role in increasing utilisation and operationalisation of the Dar-es-Salaam and Tanga ports, as well as enhancing transparency in tea trading (pricing).
?It will also reduce transportation fees by 50% which was hindering farmers whenever they went to participate in other auctions held in neighbouring countries.
The auction was graced by Agriculture permanent secretary Gerald Mweli , Tanzania Tea Board Director Mary Kipeja , Tea Board’s Chairman Hamis Umande and will also provide assurance and confidence to players on issues of fairness in the auctioning and pricing. The auction involved tea buyers, brokers, Warehouse operators and transporters among others.
Tanzania's Tea production trend in recent years in tonnes:
Tanzania's Tea Revenue in Recent Years;