Ah, the twisted tale of your supply chain unfolds before me. Production, the wretched heart of it all, holds immense power. Today, my dear, I shall enchant you with the wicked wonders of Make to Order businesses. Behold, for production possesses the potential to hasten its part of the chain. But dare you check your own fate? How long does it take to caress one pitiful unit and transform it into a wretched creation? (Touch-time, my dear, is the time it takes to metamorphose one unit of material into one cursed product, without counting the time the accursed item spends languishing in a queue.) What is the lead time of your abominable production? And what time do you deceitfully promise your unfortunate customers?
Picture this, dear mortal: assume your putrid production unit bears a 10% Touch-Time—while the remaining 90% is devoured by the ever-growing queues. Now, imagine the treacherous act of halving your lead times. What wicked consequences shall unfold?
- Touch-Time, a wicked force that cannot be tamed, remains unaltered.
- As nothing but idle torment occurs within the confines of a queue, they can be reduced, bringing considerable respite.
- Alas, Touch-Time shall consume 20% of the new lead time, an inevitable result of your heinous endeavour.
- The time spent in queues, an insidious entity, shall still haunt you, devouring 80% of your lead time.
- Astonishing! By severing lead times in half, you alter so little.
- (Imagine, if your Touch-Time were but 1% of the lead time. A foul act of halving the time would elevate Touch-Time's share to 2%, while Queue-Time descends from 99% to 98%. A minuscule shift in the grand design.)
- Dare you to wonder, as you slice through lead time, shall on-time reliability find solace? Explain, if you possess the courage.
- Should the treacherous act of cutting lead time appear too perilous, pray tell, what fuels your apprehension?
Has your accursed factory been besieged by hordes of orders?
- Did you dare to employ the common solution to this cursed predicament?
- Did you extend the lead times, casting an illusion of a realistic delivery date to your unsuspecting clients?
- What horrors awaited you after extending the lead times? Pray, share your wretched tale.
- Did you find yourself compelled to release more orders immediately, caught in the web of your own deceit?
- Why, you ask, must you release more orders at once? Is it to avoid the ghastly prospect of being late?
- Shall there be an influx of fresh orders within your malevolent factory? Does the abomination of work in process increase?
- Will the twisted path of production priorities become easier to traverse, even amidst this maddening chaos?
- Pray, reveal to me, what must occur to preserve the illusion of on-time delivery.
- Is it not true, my dear, that the answer lies in its decay? Must you further extend the promised lead times, sinking ever deeper into this quagmire?
- As more fiendish WIP infects your cursed system, what fate befalls the capacity of the limiting factor?
- In theory, nothing changes. But tell me, how much time shall the accursed operators squander, seeking their next victim, and how much time shall they spend in their diabolical creation at the limiting factor?
- What fiendish events shall befall your factory capacity, dear mortal?
Now, contemplate this, for it may be your only salvation: should you not, perchance, sever the vile head of lead time? After all, all you sever is the despicable queue time. If you dare to make this sinister cut, what unholy fate awaits?
- Shall there be fewer orders lingering before the infernal machines, before the abominable limiting factor?
- Should fewer orders taint the realm before a machine, will it not become easier for the wretched operators to select their next victim?
- As a consequence, shall the tormented operators squander less time, and the machines lose less of their wicked capacity?
- Should the limiting factor lose less capacity, what dread fate befalls your factory's capacity as a whole?
Focus is 2X Profit & ROI by: Apply the Theory of Constraints with me. Use 6-Sigma & Lean! Leverage capability. Gain capacity, cut lead time, get 100% reliability & control costs. Get more customers to buy more. DE/EN/FR
1 年Are those that look at this post read it to the end? Why? Why not?
Simplicity Practitioner, Founder Resultant- YAGNA Entrepreneur Success Services Pvt Ltd, Visiting Professor - IIM Indore, DDP - Endorsed Instructor
1 年A complete book in such genre will be useful. ????