Single windows, going global, and integrated demonstration zones
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from the most recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press conference:
Recent quote:
- 在现有服务业扩大开放试点示范“1+4”格局的基础上,将6个城市纳入试点,对完善试点示范布局、引领带动全国服务业开放、服务构建新发展格局具有重要意义。?
On the basis of the existing "1+4" pattern in the demonstration of further opening up the service sector, it is of great significance to include six more cities in the pilot program, to improve the arrangements for pilot and demonstration programs, to lead the opening up of the service sector nationwide and to foster a new development dynamic.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 服务业扩大开放综合试点是党中央、国务院就实行高水平对外开放作出的重要部署,至今已开展了7年的持续创新探索,形成北京、天津、上海、海南、重庆等省市“1+4”示范试点格局,向全国推广了7批35项经验案例,为全国的服务业开放积累了经验、探索了路径。?
Launching comprehensive pilot projects on greater openness in the services sector is an important plan made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to pursue high-standard opening-up. Our exploration in this regard began seven years ago, and a “1+4” paradigm of demonstration pilot programs in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan and Chongqing has come into place. Together, these programs have provided 35 cases in seven batches for the rest of the country, which serve as valuable experience and possible pathways.?
- 服务业扩大开放综合试点示范形成北京加天津、上海、海南、重庆的“1+4”试点格局。?
The “1+4” pilot model of Beijing plus Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan and Chongqing was created for comprehensively expanding opening up of the service sector.?
Recent quote:
- ?。。。标志性项目落地实施方面,北京落地标志性项目140多个,涉及专业机构、基地平台和新兴业态,包括多个全国“首家”“首创”;上海吸引金融科技项目,海南培育文体娱乐融合发展项目,重庆布局大科学装置项目,取得积极成效。?
... in terms of landmark projects, more than 140 such projects are launched in Beijing, involving professional institutions, bases, platforms and emerging types of business, including many national "firsts". Shanghai attracts fin-tech projects; Hainan cultivates integrated development projects for culture, sports and entertainment; and Chongqing arranges big science projects, with positive results?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 今年“一带一路”合作稳步推进,捷报频传,又有5个国家同中国签署共建“一带一路”合作文件。今年前11个月,中国同“一带一路”合作伙伴贸易额逆势增长20.4%,中欧班列开行数量和发送货物标箱分别同比增长10%和11%。一大批标志性项目落地开花,东盟第一条高速铁路试验运行,柬埔寨第一条高速公路正式通车,克罗地亚佩列沙茨大桥、巴基斯坦卡洛特水电站投入运营。?
This year [2022] has seen steady progress and fruitful outcomes of Belt and Road cooperation. China signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with another five countries this year. In the first 11 months of this year, China’s trade with Belt and Road partners grew by 20.4 percent despite downward trends elsewhere. The number of services and TEUs for cargo shipping of the China-Europe Railway Express rose by 10 percent and 11 percent year-on-year respectively. A large number of signature projects made landmark progress: the first high-speed railway in ASEAN made its trial run; the first expressway in Cambodia is now up and running; and the Pelje?ac Bridge in Croatia and the Karot Hydropower project in Pakistan were put into operation.?
- 你刚才提到的雅万高铁和卡洛特水电站项目都是中国同有关国家高质量共建“一带一路”合作的标志性项目,这些项目建成后都将显著推动当地经济社会加快发展。?
Both the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway and the Karot Hydropower project you mentioned are hallmark projects of the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and relevant countries, and they will give a strong boost to local socio-economic development after completion.?
- 中巴经济走廊是“一带一路”标志性项目,能源合作是走廊重要组成部分。?
CPEC [China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ] is a flagship project of the BRI, and energy cooperation is an integral part of it.?
Recent quote:
各地目前纷纷助力外贸企业“出海”洽谈、促进贸易、开拓市场,请问商务部对此如何评价?下一步是否有更多举措助力外贸企业“走出去”??Local governments are helping foreign trade companies “go abroad” to negotiate new deals, boost trade and expand markets. What’s MOFCOM’s comments??Will there be more measures to help foreign trade businesses “go global”??MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_23 December 2022?电子商务企业加速“出海”,带动跨境物流、移动支付等各领域实现全球发展。?As China’s e-commerce enterprises move faster to go global, Chinese businesses in cross-border logistics and mobile payments have thus been able to reach out to the world.?White_Paper_Jointly Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07
Recent quote:
- 。。。国际和区域合作方面,北京建设“一带一路”法律与商事综合服务机制,天津与周边口岸联动发展,上海开展国际贸易“单一窗口”国际合作,重庆打造内陆国际物流枢纽。?
... in terms of international and regional cooperation, Beijing has built the BRI comprehensive legal and commercial service mechanism; Tianjin has pursued joint development with its neighbor ports; Shanghai has launched international cooperation in the "single window" for international trade; and Chongqing has built an inland international logistics hub.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 深化拓展国际贸易“单一窗口”功能。目前,《自动进口许可证》《出口许可证》等多种进出口证件已经100%实现无纸化申领。?
Enhancing and expanding the “single window” for international trade.: Currently, many import and export certificates, including automatic import licenses and export licenses, go 100% paperless in application.?
- 促进贸易便利。持续拓展国际贸易“单一窗口”功能。?
We have enhanced ease of trade by continuously expanding functions of the “single window” for international trade.?
- 改革出口退税负担机制、退税增量全部由中央财政负担,设立13个跨境电商综合试验区,国际贸易“单一窗口”覆盖全国,货物通关时间平均缩短一半以上,进出口实现回稳向好。?
We have reformed the cost-sharing mechanism for export tax rebates, and the central government now pays the full sum of increases in export tax rebates. We have set up 13 comprehensive experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce. Single-window document processing for international trade has been applied nationwide, cutting the average time for customs clearance by over half. Imports and exports have rebounded and steadily grown.?
- 中国加快推进国际贸易“单一窗口”建设和推广。截至2017年底,中国国际贸易“单一窗口”已与11个口岸管理相关部门对接,基本覆盖大通关主要流程,实现企业一点接入、一次提交、一次查验、一键跟踪、一站办理,加速了口岸治理体系现代化建设进程。?
China has accelerated the establishment of a single window for international trade. By the end of 2017, the China International Trade Single Window had been connected to 11 authorities and agencies responsible for border control and covered basically all major import and export procedures. This one-stop system enables traders to use a single entry point to declare freight and taxes with a single submission of documents, and track the results after a single joint inspection by the participating authorities.?
- 发挥双边投资促进机制、全国各级投资促进机构等的作用,持续开展“进博会走进地方”“跨国公司地方行”等投资促进活动,支持各地开展招商引资活动,加快推动外资标志性项目落地建设。?
We will leverage the role of bilateral investment promotion mechanisms, and investment promotion agencies at all levels, etc., to continue to carry out investment promotion activities such as promoting the CIIE in localities and bringing multinational corporations to localities, provide support for local investment promotion activities, and speed up the implementation and construction of landmark foreign investment projects.?
Recent quote:
- ... 开放型经济发展方面,2022年前三季度,5省市共创造了6.9万亿元的服务业增加值,占当地地区生产总值的70.6%,高于全国均值17.1个百分点。?
... development of open economy. In the first three quarters of 2022, five provinces and municipalities created a total added value of RMB6.9 trillion for the service sector, accounting for 70.6% of the local GDP, which was 17.1 percentage points higher than the national average.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国将坚持实施更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次对外开放,坚持走中国式现代化道路,建设更高水平开放型经济体制,为世界经济复苏持续提供动力。?
China will continue to advance a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth, follow the path of Chinese modernization, put in place systems for a higher-standard open economy, and continue to be a driving force for global economic recovery and growth.?
- 未来五年是全面建设社会主义现代化国家开局起步的关键时期,主要目标任务是:经济高质量发展取得新突破,科技自立自强能力显著提升,构建新发展格局和建设现代化经济体系取得重大进展;敃革开放迈出新步伐,国家治理体系和治理能力现代化深入推进,社会主义市场经济体制更加完善,更高水平开放型经济新体制基本形成;全过程人民民主制度化、规范化、程序化水平进一步提高,中国特色社会主义法治体系更加完善;人民精神文化生活更加丰富,中华民族凝聚力和中华文化影响力不断增强;居民收入增长和经济增长基本同步,劳动报酬提高与劳动生产率提高基本同步,基本公共服务均等化水平明显提升,多层次社会保障体系更加健全;城乡人居环境明显敃善,美丽中国建设成效显著;国家安全更为巩固,建军一百年奋斗目标如期实现,平安中国建设扎实推进;中国国际地位和影响进一步提高,在全球治理中发挥更大作用。?
The next five years will be crucial for getting our efforts to build a modern socialist country in all respects off to a good start. Our main objectives and tasks for this period are as follows; Make breakthroughs in promoting high-quality economic development; achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology; make major progress in creating a new pattern of development and building a modernized economy; Make new strides in reform and opening up; make further progress in modernizing China's system and capacity for governance; further improve the socialist market economy; put in place new systems for a higher-standard open economy; Further enhance the institutions, standards, and procedures of whole-process people's democracy; improve the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics; Enrich the intellectual and cultural lives of our people; enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation and the appeal of Chinese culture; Ensure personal income grows basically in step with economic growth and pay rises in tandem with increases in productivity; ensure much more equitable access to basic public services; develop a better multi-tiered social security system; Substantially improve urban and rural living environments; make notable progress in building a Beautiful China; Further consolidate national security; fulfill the goals for the centenary of the People's Liberation Army in 2027; make solid progress in building a Peaceful China; Further increase China's international standing and influence; enable China to play a greater role in global governance.?
- 中国将继续提高对外开放水平,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制,持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境。?
China will continue to pursue opening-up against higher standards, develop new systems for a higher-standard open economy, and continue to foster a market- and law-based and internationalized business environment.?
- 习近平在金砖国家工商论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲_2022_06_22?开放型经济新体制逐步健全,对外贸易、对外投资、外汇储备稳居世界前列。?
The new institutions of the open economy have been steadily improved. China now leads the world in trade, outbound investment, and foreign exchange reserves.?
- 发挥双边投资促进机制、全国各级投资促进机构等的作用,持续开展“进博会走进地方”“跨国公司地方行”等投资促进活动,支持各地开展招商引资活动,加快推动外资标志性项目落地建设。?
We will leverage the role of bilateral investment promotion mechanisms, and investment promotion agencies at all levels, etc., to continue to carry out investment promotion activities such as promoting the CIIE in localities and bringing multinational corporations to localities, provide support for local investment promotion activities, and speed up the implementation and construction of landmark foreign investment projects.?
Recent quote:
- 2022年1-11月全国吸收外资有关情况: 2022年1-11月,全国实际使用外资金额11560.9亿元人民币,按可比口径同比增长9.9%(下同),折合1780.8亿美元,增长12.2%。?
China’s FDI in the first 11 months of 2022: In the first 11 months of 2022, China’s paid-in FDI reached RMB1.15609 trillion, up 9.9% on a comparable basis, equivalent to USD178.08 billion, up 12.2%?
- 1-11月,5省市服务业吸收外资476.9亿美元,占全国的36.8%,同比增长10.2%,高于全国均值7个百分点。?
From January to November [2022], foreign investment in the service sector of five provinces and municipalities was USD47.69 billion, accounting for 36.8% of the whole country, with a year-on-year increase of 10.2%, which was 7 percentage points higher than the national average.?
- 1到5月中国外贸进出口同比增长8.3%,吸收外资同比增长17.3%,韩国、美国、德国对华投资分别增长52.8%、27.1%、21.4%,这些实实在在的数字反映了外商对华投资的真实意愿,也体现了他们对中国经济社会发展的充分信心。?
China’s economy has shown momentum of recovery. China’s foreign trade went up 8.3% and FDI expanded 17.3% year-on-year in the period from January to May. We are fully confident in ensuring effective COVID response, stable economic performance and safe and secure development. During the same period, investment from the Republic of Korea, the US, and Germany climbed by 52.8%, 27.1% and 21.4% respectively. These specific figures reflect foreign investors’ genuine interest in investing in China and confidence in China’s socioeconomic development.?
- 中国已成为全球第二大商品消费市场,货物贸易总额连续5年全球第一,吸收外资保持全球第二。?
China has become the world’s second largest consumer market. Its trade in goods has ranked first globally for five years in a row. In terms of attracting foreign investment, it retains the second place in the world.?
- 今年头两个月,在世界面临新形势、新考验的背景下,中国吸收外资378.6亿美元,同比增长45.2%,交出了开年亮眼的成绩单。?
In 2022, the Chinese economy kicked off to a good start amid new circumstances and challenges, with the inbound FDI for the first two months standing at $37.86 billion, up by 45.2% year-on-year.
Recent quote:
- 。。。 制度创新方面,在北京推出科技研发、金融服务实体经济等领域近70项政策创新,在天津等4省市推出151项差异化试点措施。?
... in terms of institutional innovation, nearly 70 policy innovations, including scientific R&D and financial services for the real economy, were launched in Beijing, and 151 differentiated pilot measures were launched in four provinces and municipalities, such as Tianjin.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 以制度创新驱动科技创新:中国深入实施创新驱动发展战略,坚持科技创新与制度创新“双轮驱动”,建立健全卫星导航科技创新动力机制,加快推进科技创新。?
Promoting Technological Innovation Through System Reform: In advancing its innovation-driven development, China relies on innovation in both technology and systems. To speed up technological innovation, it has established and is now improving a mechanism for propelling innovation in satellite navigation technology.?
- 我们要顺应新一轮科技革命和产业变革,加速科技创新和制度创新,培育新经济、新业态、新商业模式,实现亚太经济数字化转型。?
We need to embrace the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate scientific, technological and institutional innovation, foster new economy, new types of business and new business models, and achieve digital transformation of the Asia-Pacific economy.?
- 我们要推进科技和制度创新,加快技术转移和知识分享,推动现代产业发展,弥合数字鸿沟,加快低碳转型,推动实现更加强劲、绿色、健康的全球发展。?
It is important that we promote scientific, technological and institutional innovation, speed up technology transfer and knowledge sharing, boost the development of modern industries, close the digital divide and accelerate low-carbon transition, with a view to achieving stronger, greener and healthier global development.?
- 全过程人民民主,是中国共产党团结带领人民追求民主、发展民主、实现民主的伟大创造,是党不断推进中国民主理论创新、制度创新、实践创新的经验结晶。?
Whole-process people's democracy is a creation of the CPC in leading the people to pursue, develop and realize democracy, embodying the Party's innovation in advancing China's democratic theories, systems and practices.?
Recent quote:
- 党的二十大报告对未来五年乃至更长时期推进高水平对外开放作出了战略部署。近日召开的中央经济工作会议,对贯彻落实党的二十大精神,做好2023年外资工作作出了具体安排,强调要更大力度吸引和利用外资。商务部将坚决贯彻落实党的二十大精神和中央经济工作会议要求,坚持稳字当头、稳中求进,围绕稳存量、扩增量、提质量,多措并举,不断提高利用外资的质量和水平。... 中央经济工作会议提出,要扩大市场准入,加大现代服务业领域开放力度。?
The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a strategic plan for the next five years and even a longer period to promote high-level opening up. The recent Central Economic Work Conference has made specific arrangements to implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and called for greater efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment in 2023. The Ministry of Commerce will resolutely follow through the requirements of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, give first priority to stability and pursue progress on the basis of stability, stabilize the FDI stock, promote growth, improve the quality, and constantly improve the quality and level of foreign investment through multiple measures. The Central Economic Work Conference proposed to expand market access and further open the market of modern services.?
- 当前我国发展的内外环境发生了深刻变化,去年召开的中央经济工作会议强调,要促进产业链畅通,?
The internal and external environment that China faces has undergone significant changes. The Central Economic Work Conference held last year underlined the smooth operation of the industrial chain.?
- 今年中央经济工作会议提出要适度超前开展基础设施投资?
The Central Economic Work Conference for 2022 proposed that infrastructure investment should be implemented in advance in a moderate manner.?
Recent quote:
- 2020年9月,习近平总书记在中国国际服务贸易交易会上宣布,支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区。?
In September, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced at the China International Fair for Trade in Services that China supports the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 北京国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区建设扎实推进,新增4个服务业扩大开放综合试点。?
Beijing made solid progress in building itself into a national comprehensive demonstration zone for expanding opening up in the services sector, and trials for integrated opening of the services sector were expanded to four more areas.?
Recent quote:
- 各地目前纷纷助力外贸企业“出海”洽谈、促进贸易、开拓市场,请问商务部对此如何评价?下一步是否有更多举措助力外贸企业“走出去”??
Local governments are helping foreign trade companies “go abroad” to negotiate new deals, boost trade and expand markets. What’s MOFCOM’s comments??Will there be more measures to help foreign trade businesses “go global”???
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 我们将通过创新对外投资合作方式、推动对外承包工程升级、拓展第三方市场合作等举措,推动建设一批高质量合作项目,实施一批惠民生的援外项目,鼓励国内有实力的企业走出去。?
By developing new ways of outbound investment cooperation, upgrading overseas project contracting and expanding third-market cooperation, we will build a number of high-quality cooperation projects, implement a series of foreign assistance projects to improve people’s well-being and encourage competitive Chinese enterprises to go global.?
- 要以“一带一路”建设为重点,坚持引进来和走出去并重,遵循共商共建共享原则,加强创新能力开放合作,形成陆海内外联动、东西双向互济的开放格局。?
We should pursue the Belt and Road Initiative as a priority, give equal emphasis to "bringing in" and "going global," follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration, and increase openness and cooperation in building innovation capacity.?
- 社会主义核心价值体系深入人心,公民文明素质和社会文明程度明显提高。文化产品更加丰富,公共文化服务体系基本建成,文化产业成为国民经济支柱性产业,中华文化走出去迈出更大步伐,社会主义文化强国建设基础更加坚实。?
Core socialist values should take root among the people, and both the level of civility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly raised. More cultural works should be created; a system of public cultural services should be basically in place, and the cultural sector should become a pillar of the economy. Even greater progress should be made in taking Chinese culture to the global stage. By taking these steps, we will lay a more solid foundation for developing a strong socialist culture in China.?
Read in parallel:
windows, going global, and integrated demonstration zones
to note from the most recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press conference:
1+4 / 1+4 (Beijing + Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan and
On the basis of the existing
"1+4" pattern in the demonstration of further opening up the service
sector, it is of great significance to include six more cities in the pilot
program, to improve the arrangements for pilot and demonstration programs, to
lead the opening up of the service sector nationwide and to foster a new
development dynamic.?
Previous PRC history of the
Launching comprehensive
pilot projects on greater openness in the services sector is an important plan
made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to pursue high-standard
opening-up. Our exploration in this regard began seven years ago, and a “1+4”
paradigm of demonstration pilot programs in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan
and Chongqing has come into place. Together, these programs have provided 35
cases in seven batches for the rest of the country, which serve as valuable
experience and possible pathways.?
The “1+4” pilot model of
Beijing plus Tianjin, Shanghai, Hainan and Chongqing was created for
comprehensively expanding opening up of the service sector.?
标志性项目 / signature project; flagship project
Recent quote:
- ?。。。标志性项目落地实施方面,北京落地标志性项目140多个,涉及专业机构、基地平台和新兴业态,包括多个全国“首家”“首创”;上海吸引金融科技项目,海南培育文体娱乐融合发展项目,重庆布局大科学装置项目,取得积极成效。?
... in terms of landmark
projects, more than 140 such projects are launched in Beijing, involving
professional institutions, bases, platforms and emerging types of business,
including many national "firsts". Shanghai attracts fin-tech
projects; Hainan cultivates integrated development projects for culture, sports
and entertainment; and Chongqing arranges big science projects, with positive
Previous PRC history of the
This year [2022] has seen
steady progress and fruitful outcomes of Belt and Road cooperation. China
signed Belt and Road cooperation documents with another five countries this
year. In the first 11 months of this year, China’s trade with Belt and Road
partners grew by 20.4 percent despite downward trends elsewhere. The number of
services and TEUs for cargo shipping of the China-Europe Railway Express rose
by 10 percent and 11 percent year-on-year respectively. A large number of
signature projects made landmark progress: the first high-speed railway in
ASEAN made its trial run; the first expressway in Cambodia is now up and
running; and the Pelje?ac Bridge in Croatia and the Karot Hydropower project in
Pakistan were put into operation.?
Both the Jakarta-Bandung
high-speed railway and the Karot Hydropower project you mentioned are hallmark
projects of the high-quality Belt and Road cooperation between China and
relevant countries, and they will give a strong boost to local socio-economic
development after completion.?
CPEC [China-Pakistan Economic
Corridor ] is a flagship project of the BRI, and energy cooperation is an
integral part of it.?
出海 / go overseas; go global?
Recent quote:
各地目前纷纷助力外贸企业“出海”洽谈、促进贸易、开拓市场,请问商务部对此如何评价?下一步是否有更多举措助力外贸企业“走出去”?? Local
governments are helping foreign trade companies “go abroad” to negotiate new
deals, boost trade and expand markets. What’s MOFCOM’s comments?? Will there be more measures to help foreign
trade businesses “go global”?? MOFCOM
Regular Press Conference_23 December 2022?
电子商务企业加速“出海”,带动跨境物流、移动支付等各领域实现全球发展。? As
China’s e-commerce enterprises move faster to go global, Chinese businesses in
cross-border logistics and mobile payments have thus been able to reach out to
the world.? White_Paper_Jointly Build a
Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace_ 携手构建网络空间命运共同体_2022_11_07
单一窗口 / single-window?
Recent quote:
- 。。。国际和区域合作方面,北京建设“一带一路”法律与商事综合服务机制,天津与周边口岸联动发展,上海开展国际贸易“单一窗口”国际合作,重庆打造内陆国际物流枢纽。?
... in terms of
international and regional cooperation, Beijing has built the BRI comprehensive
legal and commercial service mechanism; Tianjin has pursued joint development
with its neighbor ports; Shanghai has launched international cooperation in the
"single window" for international trade; and Chongqing has built an
inland international logistics hub.?
Previous PRC history of the
- 深化拓展国际贸易“单一窗口”功能。目前,《自动进口许可证》《出口许可证》等多种进出口证件已经100%实现无纸化申领。?
Enhancing and expanding the
“single window” for international trade.: Currently, many import and export
certificates, including automatic import licenses and export licenses, go 100%
paperless in application.?
- 促进贸易便利。持续拓展国际贸易“单一窗口”功能。?
We have enhanced ease of
trade by continuously expanding functions of the “single window” for
international trade.?
We have reformed the
cost-sharing mechanism for export tax rebates, and the central government now
pays the full sum of increases in export tax rebates. We have set up 13
comprehensive experimental zones for cross-border e-commerce. Single-window
document processing for international trade has been applied nationwide,
cutting the average time for customs clearance by over half. Imports and
exports have rebounded and steadily grown.?
China has accelerated the
establishment of a single window for international trade. By the end of 2017,
the China International Trade Single Window had been connected to 11
authorities and agencies responsible for border control and covered basically
all major import and export procedures. This one-stop system enables traders to
use a single entry point to declare freight and taxes with a single submission
of documents, and track the results after a single joint inspection by the
participating authorities.?
进博会走进地方 / promoting the CIIE [China International
Import Expo] in localities?
We will leverage the role of
bilateral investment promotion mechanisms, and investment promotion agencies at
all levels, etc., to continue to carry out investment promotion activities such
as promoting the CIIE in localities and bringing multinational corporations to
localities, provide support for local investment promotion activities, and
speed up the implementation and construction of landmark foreign investment
开放型经济 / open economy?
... 开放型经济发展方面,2022年前三季度,5省市共创造了6.9万亿元的服务业增加值,占当地地区生产总值的70.6%,高于全国均值17.1个百分点。?
... development of open
economy. In the first three quarters of 2022, five provinces and municipalities
created a total added value of RMB6.9 trillion for the service sector,
accounting for 70.6% of the local GDP, which was 17.1 percentage points higher
than the national average.?
Previous PRC history of the
China will continue to
advance a broader agenda of opening up across more areas and in greater depth,
follow the path of Chinese modernization, put in place systems for a
higher-standard open economy, and continue to be a driving force for global
economic recovery and growth.?
The next five years will be
crucial for getting our efforts to build a modern socialist country in all
respects off to a good start. Our main objectives and tasks for this period are
as follows; Make breakthroughs in promoting high-quality economic development;
achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology; make
major progress in creating a new pattern of development and building a
modernized economy; Make new strides in reform and opening up; make further
progress in modernizing China's system and capacity for governance; further improve
the socialist market economy; put in place new systems for a higher-standard
open economy; Further enhance the institutions, standards, and procedures of
whole-process people's democracy; improve the system of socialist rule of law
with Chinese characteristics; Enrich the intellectual and cultural lives of our
people; enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation and the appeal of Chinese
culture; Ensure personal income grows basically in step with economic growth
and pay rises in tandem with increases in productivity; ensure much more
equitable access to basic public services; develop a better multi-tiered social
security system; Substantially improve urban and rural living environments;
make notable progress in building a Beautiful China; Further consolidate
national security; fulfill the goals for the centenary of the People's
Liberation Army in 2027; make solid progress in building a Peaceful China;
Further increase China's international standing and influence; enable China to
play a greater role in global governance.?
China will continue to
pursue opening-up against higher standards, develop new systems for a
higher-standard open economy, and continue to foster a market- and law-based
and internationalized business environment.?
习近平在金砖国家工商论坛开幕式上的主旨演讲_2022_06_22? 开放型经济新体制逐步健全,对外贸易、对外投资、外汇储备稳居世界前列。?
The new institutions of the
open economy have been steadily improved. China now leads the world in trade,
outbound investment, and foreign exchange reserves.?
跨国公司地方行 / bringing multinational corporations to
- 发挥双边投资促进机制、全国各级投资促进机构等的作用,持续开展“进博会走进地方”“跨国公司地方行”等投资促进活动,支持各地开展招商引资活动,加快推动外资标志性项目落地建设。?
We will leverage the role of
bilateral investment promotion mechanisms, and investment promotion agencies at
all levels, etc., to continue to carry out investment promotion activities such
as promoting the CIIE in localities and bringing multinational corporations to
localities, provide support for local investment promotion activities, and
speed up the implementation and construction of landmark foreign investment
吸收外资 / attracted foreign investment; foreign direct
investment, FDI?
2022年1-11月全国吸收外资有关情况: 2022年1-11月,全国实际使用外资金额11560.9亿元人民币,按可比口径同比增长9.9%(下同),折合1780.8亿美元,增长12.2%。?
China’s FDI in the first 11
months of 2022: In the first 11 months of 2022, China’s paid-in FDI reached
RMB1.15609 trillion, up 9.9% on a comparable basis, equivalent to USD178.08
billion, up 12.2%?
From January to November
[2022], foreign investment in the service sector of five provinces and
municipalities was USD47.69 billion, accounting for 36.8% of the whole country,
with a year-on-year increase of 10.2%, which was 7 percentage points higher
than the national average.?
China’s economy has shown
momentum of recovery. China’s foreign trade went up 8.3% and FDI expanded 17.3%
year-on-year in the period from January to May. We are fully confident in ensuring
effective COVID response, stable economic performance and safe and secure
development. During the same period, investment from the Republic of Korea, the
US, and Germany climbed by 52.8%, 27.1% and 21.4% respectively. These specific
figures reflect foreign investors’ genuine interest in investing in China and
confidence in China’s socioeconomic development.?
China has become the world’s
second largest consumer market. Its trade in goods has ranked first globally
for five years in a row. In terms of attracting foreign investment, it retains
the second place in the world.?
In 2022, the Chinese economy
kicked off to a good start amid new circumstances and challenges, with the
inbound FDI for the first two months standing at $37.86 billion, up by 45.2%
制度创新 / institutional innovation?
Recent quote:
- 。。。 制度创新方面,在北京推出科技研发、金融服务实体经济等领域近70项政策创新,在天津等4省市推出151项差异化试点措施。?
... in terms of
institutional innovation, nearly 70 policy innovations, including scientific
R&D and financial services for the real economy, were launched in Beijing,
and 151 differentiated pilot measures were launched in four provinces and
municipalities, such as Tianjin.?
Previous PRC history of the
Promoting Technological
Innovation Through System Reform: In advancing its innovation-driven
development, China relies on innovation in both technology and systems. To
speed up technological innovation, it has established and is now improving a
mechanism for propelling innovation in satellite navigation technology.?
We need to embrace the new
round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation,
accelerate scientific, technological and institutional innovation, foster new
economy, new types of business and new business models, and achieve digital
transformation of the Asia-Pacific economy.?
It is important that we
promote scientific, technological and institutional innovation, speed up
technology transfer and knowledge sharing, boost the development of modern
industries, close the digital divide and accelerate low-carbon transition, with
a view to achieving stronger, greener and healthier global development.?
Whole-process people's
democracy is a creation of the CPC in leading the people to pursue, develop and
realize democracy, embodying the Party's innovation in advancing China's
democratic theories, systems and practices.?
中央经济工作会议 / Central Economic Work Conference?
Recent quote:
- 党的二十大报告对未来五年乃至更长时期推进高水平对外开放作出了战略部署。近日召开的中央经济工作会议,对贯彻落实党的二十大精神,做好2023年外资工作作出了具体安排,强调要更大力度吸引和利用外资。商务部将坚决贯彻落实党的二十大精神和中央经济工作会议要求,坚持稳字当头、稳中求进,围绕稳存量、扩增量、提质量,多措并举,不断提高利用外资的质量和水平。... 中央经济工作会议提出,要扩大市场准入,加大现代服务业领域开放力度。?
The report to the 20th
National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made a strategic plan for
the next five years and even a longer period to promote high-level opening up.
The recent Central Economic Work Conference has made specific arrangements to
implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and called for greater
efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment in 2023. The Ministry of
Commerce will resolutely follow through the requirements of the 20th CPC
National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference, give first priority
to stability and pursue progress on the basis of stability, stabilize the FDI
stock, promote growth, improve the quality, and constantly improve the quality
and level of foreign investment through multiple measures. The Central Economic
Work Conference proposed to expand market access and further open the market of
modern services.?
The internal and external
environment that China faces has undergone significant changes. The Central
Economic Work Conference held last year underlined the smooth operation of the
industrial chain.?
The Central Economic Work
Conference for 2022 proposed that infrastructure investment should be
implemented in advance in a moderate manner.?
综合示范区 / integrated demonstration zone; comprehensive
demonstration zone?
Recent quote:
In September, 2020, General
Secretary Xi Jinping announced at the China International Fair for Trade in
Services that China supports the municipality in developing a national
integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector.?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 北京国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区建设扎实推进,新增4个服务业扩大开放综合试点。?
Beijing made solid progress
in building itself into a national comprehensive demonstration zone for
expanding opening up in the services sector, and trials for integrated opening
of the services sector were expanded to four more areas.?
走出去 / go global?
Local governments are
helping foreign trade companies “go abroad” to negotiate new deals, boost trade
and expand markets. What’s MOFCOM’s comments??
Will there be more measures to help foreign trade businesses “go
Previous PRC history of the
By developing new ways of
outbound investment cooperation, upgrading overseas project contracting and
expanding third-market cooperation, we will build a number of high-quality
cooperation projects, implement a series of foreign assistance projects to
improve people’s well-being and encourage competitive Chinese enterprises to go
We should pursue the Belt
and Road Initiative as a priority, give equal emphasis to "bringing
in" and "going global," follow the principle of achieving shared
growth through discussion and collaboration, and increase openness and
cooperation in building innovation capacity.?
Core socialist values should
take root among the people, and both the level of civility of citizens and the
moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly
raised. More cultural works should be created; a system of public cultural
services should be basically in place, and the cultural sector should become a
pillar of the economy. Even greater progress should be made in taking Chinese
culture to the global stage. By taking these steps, we will lay a more solid
foundation for developing a strong socialist culture in China.?
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