In my experience, the most common support issue for any web based application, has been browser "indigestion" caused by incompatible cookie and cache contents.
Could this issue be automatically detected for unsophisticated users? Can they be notified to try this first, to avoid client frustration, and to avoid a very expensive support call, during a challenging tax season, to a CPA who is not qualified to perform IT support, and who is not trained in the niceties of responding to a very frustrated high net worth client?
Could clearing browser cookies and cache possibly be made (more) automatic?
Consider prompting the user with the message: "May I clear your browser cookies and cache to try to fix this problem for you?"
#browser #clearcnc #clear #cookies #cache #tax #irs #backtaxes #mosttaxproblemsfixed #whycantitallbeautomatic #mayifixthisforyou #thesinglemostcommonsupportcall