Single Minute Exchange of Die
Within the realm of Lean methodologies, there exists a range of approaches aimed at pinpointing and eradicating inefficiencies. One particularly impactful technique bears a rather intriguing name: Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED), sometimes referred to as Quick Changeover. SMED is not just a mere system; it represents more of a philosophical approach geared towards the minimization of equipment changeover times. Its primary purpose is to streamline processes and diminish wastage. While initially conceived within the context of manufacturing, the principles associated with SMED transcend industry boundaries, offering the same transformative benefits of waste elimination in diverse sectors. In essence, SMED stands as a straightforward yet formidable Lean tool for reducing waste in the manufacturing process.
Objectives of SMED
Techniques involved in the implementation of the SMED approach
Shingo identifies eight methods to be considered during the implementation of SMED:
Benefits of SMED or Single Minute Exchange of Dies
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