Single-Cell Multiomics News
BD Biosciences
BD Biosciences has provided flow cytometry expertise, world class support and continuous innovation for 50 years.
Welcome to the BD Biosciences single-cell multiomics news article series. Take a peek at the latest product launches, new resources that can facilitate your research
What’s New?
??Check out our newest blog post on Emerging Trends in Single-Cell Multiomics. Here we talk about all the latest updates and movements in the exciting world of single-cell multiomics.
? See what your peers are saying about our single-cell multiomics solutions on our recently updated single cell-multiomics instruments and single-cell multiomics reagents webpages.
? New feature! Multiplexing nuclei for ATAC-Seq is now possible. Check out our brand-new protocols for multiplexing up to 6 samples for standalone or multiomics ATAC-Seq ?with the BD Rhapsody? ATAC-Seq Assay on the BD Rhapsody? System.
Document Highlight
This month we are highlighting the technical brochure
Order your BD Rhapsody? Intracellular CITE-seq Assay on our website or by contacting your local BD sales representative.
Top Questions This Month
Q: Which cell types have we validated for the BD Rhapsody? ATAC-Seq assay?
A: We have validated the BD Rhapsody? ATAC-Seq Assay on human PBMCs, mouse kidney, mouse NIH3T3, Jurkat, Ramos, and K562 cell lines
Q: What are the typical run times for the BD Rhapsody? Sequence Analysis Pipeline locally?
A: A BD Rhapsody? System WTA + AbSeq dataset with 11,000 cells and ~1 billion reads was processed using the BD Rhapsody? Analysis Pipeline 2.0 run with 96 cores, 64 GB RAM in 2.37 hrs. Actual times may vary.
Q: Can BD Rhapsody? ATAC-Seq libraries be sequenced shorter than 50 bp for R1 and R2?
A: We recommend R1 and R2 reads to be sequenced at 50 bp. We have not tested reads shorter than 50 bp to assess its impact on data.
?BD Rhapsody? System Publication Highlight
Okamura T, Hamaguchi M, Tominaga H, Kitagawa N, Hoshimoto Y, et al. Characterization of peripheral blood TCR in patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by BD Rhapsody? VDJ CDR3 assay.?Cells?2022; 11(10):1623
This study investigated the T cell receptor (TCR) diversity in Japanese patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus(T1DM) using single-cell VDJ sequencing and showed distinct TCR sequences in autoreactive T cells and differences in gene expression of CD8+ and FOXP3+ cells compared to healthy subjects, suggesting altered TCR diversity and immune response in T1DM. They generated a targeted gene library using BD Rhapsody? Targeted mRNA Kits and a TCR gene library following the BD Rhapsody? VDJ CDR3 protocol.
? What they discovered: ?T1DM patients showed higher expression of TRAV17 and TRAV21 and lower Shannon index in CD8+ and FOXP3+ cells compared to healthy subjects. Increased expression of PRF1, GZMH, ITGB2 in CD8+ cells and IL4R, TNFRSF4 in FOXP3+ cells in T1DM patients.
? What this means: These findings provide insights into the immune mechanisms
Access the full publication
BD Rhapsody? System Around the World
Dan MacDonald senior sales specialist with Stephen Wagner, research instrument sales specialist at the MAD SSCi Annual Conference in New Brunswick, NJ, Aug 2024.
Steven Bass and Keith Cockrum, both senior sales specialists, single-cell multiomics are all set to talk about the BD Rhapsody? System at the SEASR 2024 Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN, June 2024.
Natasha Jacobsen, instrument sales specialist and Samantha Stark, associate sales representative with the BD Rhapsody? Express System at a show in San Diego, CA, May 2024.
Vadir Lopez-Salmeron, applications support manager with bioinformatics support engineer Syabira Yusoff and senior single-sell solution architect Hasi Patel presenting on the latest additions to our ?single cell multiomics portfolio at a conference in London.
Frank Kao, applications specialist and Matthew Mao, territory manager talking about the BD Rhapsody? System at the John Curtin School of Medical Research in Acton, Australia, May 2024.
Did You know?
The BD Rhapsody? Scanner can be (optionally) used alongside the BD Rhapsody? HT Xpress to visualize single-cell capture and review key quality metrics like viability, cell multiplet rate and number of single cells captured with a bead. This gives the user the power to decide whether to change course or troubleshoot, if necessary, before expensive downstream library prep and sequencing.
Upcoming Events
We will be at Advances in Single Cell & Spatial Biology in San Diego to showcase our BD Rhapsody? Single-Cell Analysis System
September 19-20, 2024
Find us and the BD Rhapsody? System at the Copenhagen Symposium on Advances in T Cell Therapy & Cellular Engineering (CATC) in DTU, Denmark where we are a proud silver sponsor
September 24-25, 2024
Meet us at the Functional Genomic Center (FCGC), Zurich for a seminar on our offerings for single-cell multiomics
October 10, 2024
Join us at the Australasian Cytometry Society (ACS)’s Conference 2024 in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia to learn about the latest developments to the BD Rhapsody System portfolio
October 20-23, 2024
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.