Singing in the rain .
It was Sunday a week ago . I was trying find available mass in the evening time . Unfortunately churches around were closed already .I really don't have any idea why they cut off evening masses after reopening . What could be reason for ? It seems like a less number of people attend ?Another left Holy Catholic Church or they are still afraid come along and still are keeping pray on -line . In some point it is handy .
Anyway it doesn't matter .In fact i had to go to the city center if i wished attend to Sunday worship . Likely we still have Polish one in the evening .
It has been so rainy so i guess good God put me into trial . But well He wants us devote our comfort to show our faith.
Because all of this i walked in the rain and this fact give me such great opportunity to observe what is going around .
I could not believe when i saw all those people siting out of pubs and restaurants even under those terrible weather circumstances . And it brought a joy into my heart and made me happy even though was so wet around . I began feel like i want start sing ''I'm singing in the rain ,,my lovely song from childhood .
Garda was watching us even during a rainy weather , as You can see on the picture .
But i felt a huge satisfaction , because i have realized that evening that nothing is going to overcome our need to be and keep together . And as human been we gonna survive a much more than that pandemic .
It shows also how stupid is an idea of summer outdoor . We actually having a brilliant summer, likely better than in other part of Europe but surely we can't count for more like another few days .
Where all this is leading and why it could be a problem let people have a sit indoor is hard to say . Even if we assume that previous lovely idea about letting sit for vaccinated only in practice can be very confusing and difficult to put into life and can make a big chaos .
Actually we are retain stay outdoor for unknown period a time at this moment .
The best thing which we can do right now is take a good care of ourselves . And keep pray ....