Sing Your Song
I join the Mourning Doves in flight. I am the follower.
Mourning Doves
Did you hear our song?
We sing softly
Like a dirge in
three-part harmony.
We fly at bullet speed
Still we cannot escape
the fear we feel.
Why do we not sing
like the lyric lark
Emit the staccato chirp
of the spirited sparrow
The caustic squawk
of the irascible gull
The craven curse
of the insatiable raven?
Why can we not mimic
the self-assured hoot
of the pompous owl
The defiant screech
of the righteous eagle
The flutter, buzz, hum
of the nurturing pollinator?
Echoes of our lament
of pain, despair?
The haunting cry
of lonely loon
The soulful sob
of desolate mortals
muted by the loss
of those they love.
Why do we sing through the pain?
Because we must.
Copyright: John Lawrence Barbetta
We must find our voice. We must sing our song.