SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today [6th April]. By. Dr.Pathan
SINDH (including Pakistan) IN HISTORY TODAY {6th April} & My Good Day Wish. ************* Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. [Dear! You are every thing for me: brave & bold, beauty & love and even cause & aim of my life. I am nothing, but zero. Accept me as suffix and prefix' in number, it will raise and increase its value and importance. Be my Number, because, you are only my number and number One] ???? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ????? ??? ? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ??. ************* SINDH (including Pakistan) IN HISTORY TODAY {6th APRIL} EVENTS: 1832 : The meeting is held between Colonel Pottenger and Khairpur Govt's representative. It appears equally inexplicable and unexpected to both parties. Several alterations are suggested in treaty by Khairpur side, but other party is not ready to understandand accept. 1919: A public meeting is held at Sukkur to educate public opinion on political subjects with special reference to Rowlatt Bill. 1924: 'Local Adult Education Movement' is launched in Karachi. Prof. Trivedi, Prof. Junnarkar, Mahatma Vairagyachandra and V.J.Pardhan to take classes in Theosophical Society Hall. 1930: Sindh participates in the Civil Disobedience Movement launched by the Congress today. 1953: Printed sermons of Qadiani chief Mirza Bashiruddin are confiscated in Punjab to avoid escalation of anti - Qadiani sentiments. 1956: Khuhro resigns, where as Kazi Fazlullah is inducted in West Pakistan Govt. as a minister. 1968: Pakistan and U.S discuss about U.S military basis in Pakistan. 1971: PPP Chairman Z.A.Bhutto warns India of disastorus consequences, if any interference is done in the internal affairs of Pakistan. 1996: PML (N) decides to challange in court imposition General Sales Tax (GST) on 46 different items by the PPP Govt.