SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today [31st March]. By. Dr.Pathan
SINDH (including Pakistan) IN HISTORY TODAY {31st march} & My Good Wish. ************* Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. [There is no provision for logic and arguments in love affair. It requires sincerity, trust and dedication. Surrender before dear, you will find yourself very near to him/her. If you believe Allah religiously, do not shift responsibility of performing your duties to Him. Because, He has empowered you properly and accordingly. Do, what you have to do. Don't insist on taking and getting, if you are not ready to give. Dear! Revisit and revise your vision & wisdom, strategy & life-craft] ??? ??? ? ? ?? ???? ???? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ************* SINDH (including Pakistan)IN HISTORY TODAY {31st March} EVENTS: 1857: The Commissioner in Sindh writes to the Government of Bombay requesting sanction to a grant-in-aid of Rs.100 per mensem to a school proposed to be established at Hyderabad. 1934: Sindh Hindu Conference held in Khalikdina Hall at Karachi and presided over by LalchandNavalrai demands that Sindh shall remain annexed with Bombay Presidency. The resolution proposed by RaiBahadurHiranandKhemchand sates that even Bombay Provincial Committee of the Simon Commission, including its member Shahnawaz Khan Bhutto has opposed the separation of Sindh, hence the demand of Sindh Hindu Conference is justified. 1908: The Sukkur Lodge of the Sindh Theosophical Society is chartered. Kishinchand is elected as its founder President. 1913: The Philosopher and great Social worker Diwan Dayaram GidumalShahani marries Urmila Devi- daughter of his Malbari friend. It was a drastic action taken by a man of name and fame and it was termed as violation of Hindu norms. He is criticized at large and is not influenced by any propaganda. Later on Mahatma Gandhi and Moulana Abu-al-Kalam Azad tried to see him, but he regretted to see any one. 1917: Eminent Scholar Dr.Gurbuxani delivers his lecture on the topic of ‘Our Community’. This lecture program is arranged by ‘The Young Amils’ Association’ of Karachi. 1921: Sindh- the land of love and lovely people is being converted into ‘fire-place’ by its sons of soil. British ruleres policy to ‘divide & rule’ has brining its results. Hindus and Muslims have disputed over celebrations of ‘Cheti Chand’. The Government impose ban on the celebration of event at Uderolal, hence, it is celebrated at Nasrpur, the Birth place of Uderolal. 1954: The official Report says that 37,608 students are enrolled in Government recognized 532 schools of the Larkano district and it is 7.5 % of the Population. Out of these 532 schools the number of Primary schools is 495, 456 for boys and 39 for girls. 29028 boys and 3012 girls are enrolled in these Primary schools. The Government’s annual expenditure on Primary education in the district is Rs. 10, 90,285/. 1958: The President IskandarMirza removes A.K .Fazul-ul-Haq from the office of Governor of East Pakistan. In 1940, in the Muslim League Session of Lahore, the ‘Pakistan Resolution’ was proposed by the removed Governor A.K.Fazul-ul-Haq! 1969: CMLA Yahya Khan assumes the office of President of Pakistan to be effective from 25th of March.