SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today {30th July}. By.Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan
SINDH (including Pakistan) IN HISTORY TODAY{3th July}
1857: The Collector of Upper Sindh request Sindh Commissioner for approval and sanction of the construction of a cause way at Rohri. The estimated cost is told as Rs.3,300 and it is pointed out that expenditure be met partly from the Ferry Fund and partly from municipal funds. (Source: The Collector’s letter No.242)
1920: The Hyderabad District Congress Committee decides by 17 to 10 votes to recommend the principle of Non-Co-Operation to the Special Indian Congress. (Source: ‘Source-Material on Sindh Congress’, compiled by Gul Hayat Institute).
1920: In our days people are encircled with sorrows & longings, but no body is there to help them. Letus know about the love of our forefathers for the freedom and bright future of Motherland. The Daily Al- Waheed is not in position to pay Security imposed by the Govt. and has stoped publication. An appeal has been made by people. Our Upper Class is silent, because it was matter between Govt. and Al- Waheed and this Class had to please Govt. Shaikh Abdul Majeed Sindhi is selling ornaments of his wife and donating the total amount Rs.50 to Al- Waheed.
The report of the Joint Pak-Afghan Inquiry Commission into the alleged Moghulgal bombing incident exonerates Pakistan from all responsibility for the incident.
> The Soviet Trade Mission holds a meeting with the representatives of Pakistan.
1958:Pakistan recognizes the Iraqi Government.
Deputy Chairman Planing Commission , says that a long list of the third plan projects has been submitted to Soviet Union for financing. He rules out any cuts in size of the Plan or any change in its basic objective. 1969:
The Government relaxes restrictions on activities of political parties which can now hold indoormeetings of working Committees & conventions without prior permission.
Troops ambushed in Marri, Mengal areas. Eight killed disclosure by Balochistan Governor Akbar Bugti.
> U.D.F. Decides not to hold further talks with the ruling party, Front's secretary-general Prof. Abdul Ghafoor Ahmad says in Lahore.
Martial Law Regulation No.51 is promulgated. Defaming words used for Pakistan and the father of the nation are declared as un lawfuland punishable act.
Pakistan to attend Havana summit. 1983:
Protect Palestinians in areas held by Israel, Pakistan's call to the U.N. Security Council.
New official atlas of Pakistan is launched.
Soviet withdrawal in the shortest time. Pakistan's stand at Geneva talks.
Sir JohnWheeler, leader of the British Parliamentary delegation arrives in Islamabad. Says his country strongly supports Kashmiris' right self-determination.
Former Prime Minister of AJK Mumtaz Hussain Rathore withdraws petition challenging his dismissal.
1954: Tribunal constituted to probe into anti-Qayani riots completes it job. The report is submitted to the Punjab Government. (Source: Newspapers).
1969: Government relaxes restrictions on activities of political parties which can hold indoor meetings of Working Committees and Conventions also. (Source: ibid).
1978: Bhutto Government damaged name, fame and democratic norms of the country, polls after accountability, says Lt. General Chishti. (Source: ibid).
1993: Pakistan has the technical capacity to manufacture a nuclear device. Caretaker Prime Minister Moeen Qureshi tells Vice President of U.S.A in Washington. (Source: ibid).
1996: Transport strike to protest against imposition of new taxes paralyses life in Pakistan. (Source: ibid).