SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today {18th July}. By.Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan

SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today {18th July}. By.Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan

Dr.Dur Muhammad Pathan

SINDH (including Pakistan) IN HISTORY TODAY {18th July} and Good Day Wish.


Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day.

[To avaid and to change face is not fair play and good dealing , but misguidance by motives and interests. Ego promotes hatred and discrimination. Whereas, everlasting human values teach us love & respect and sincerity & sacrifice. Love & beauty and peace & respect are needs of every soul & heart. Let us not to deprive anybody of it]

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1914: Hindus are serious in reconstruction of their society by virtue of forming NGOs of their own. Today, ‘Shri Barhma Khastri Sahitya Mandli’ is established in Karachi. Seth Naraindas Variram Chapter, Dr.Narsidas Pitambardas Sodho; Jamnadas Vilabhdas Sadani; Rochiram Gangaram Sadani; Maniklal Maghomal Jethmilani and Pahlajrai Haromal are its founder members. This may kindly be noted that Rochiram Sadani was an outstanding writer and it was his initiate to form NGO of this type. (Source: Annual Report of the Mandli).

1926: All-India Cow Conference is held in Calcutta in which Government is urged to regulate salaughter og cattle by legislation. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1926).

1931: The Bengal Provincial Hindu Conference held at Burdwan under presidency of Mahraj Srish Chandra Nundy of Kasimabad passes the resolution on the issue of separation of Sindh from Bombay Presidency. The text of the resolution is :’ The question is utter disregard of determined opposition of the Hindus of Sindh who will have to bear a large proportion of the inevitable increased taxation in relation to their population, as compared with Moslems of Sindh’.(Source: The Daily Gazette, Karachi).

1932: Prof. J.S.Kriplani of Sindh and Director of the Gandhi Ashram is sentenced to six months’ imprisonment under Section 17 (A) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act. He will be placed in ‘A’ class. (Source: The Indian Annual Register, Vol-11,1932).

1935: The Daily Al-Wahid of Karachi in the course of its editorial criticizes G.M.Syed and other leaders for not taking interest in enrolment of peasants as qualified voters. The editorial blames that leaders of upper class formed HARI COMMITTEE a few years ago for protection of their own interests, where as they have nothing to do with welfare of working class. It is time to create vote-bank of this lower class, but our leaders are now avoiding and depriving lower class of their Right of vote. (Source: The Daily Al-Wahid, Karachi).

1936: Indian States Peoples’ Conference is held at Karachi and attitude of subjects of States was discussed and defined. (Source: The Indian Annual Register,Vol-11,1936)

1939: Sj. Subash Chandra Bose deploring the policy of Congress says that ‘ a wave of intolerance is now sweeping over higher ranks of Congress leadership. The slightest criticism of any action of their throws them into a rage and the whole machinery of propaganda in their hands is at once put in operation. In this way the ordinary Congressman is terrorized into silence’. (Source; The Indian Register, Vol-11,1939).

1947: First Special train reaches Karachi. It is beginning of the greatest migration of Indian Muslims to Sindh and wave continued after reaching of Biharis in 1972 and onward. (Source: Newspapers).

1948: By virtue of promulgation of an ordinance, clause 92 A is added in the interim Constitution of Pakistan that empowers Governor-General to dissolve any provincial government.(Source: Newspapers). This may kindly be noted that very drastic decisions are taken when Quaid-i-Azam is in Ziyarat and health is in serious condition.

1955: Government of Pakistan files a petition praying for special leave to appeal against the judgment of a Full Bench of Lahore High court in the habes corpus petitions filed on behalf of ex-Major General Akbar Khan and other Rawalpindi Conspiracy Case prisoners including Faiz Ahmad Faiz. (Source: Newspapers).

1993: Entire political setup in the Pakistan is changed. Assemblies are dissolved. President Ishaq and Prime Minister Nawaz quit their offices. World Bank Vice President Moeen Qureshi is sworn in as care taker Prime Minister. National Assembly polls will be on 6th of October and Provincial Assemblies polls are due on 9th October.(Source: ibid)


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