SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today [16th January]. By.Dr.Pathan
SINDH (including Pakistan) in history today [16th January] & Good Day Wish *************** Dr.Pathan wishes you Good Day. [My Dear! I respect every body. But, accept and love my ideal, who is lover of people & Motherland. He/she is man/woman of vision & wisdom. His/her life is of cause, by cause and for noble cause] ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??????? ???? ???? ?? ? ??? ???? ??. *************** 2. Events from history: (16th JANUARY) 1850: First ever Church is built in Karachi. 1909: The Governor of the Bombay Presidency lays foundation stone of ‘Hassan Ali House’ in Sindh Madrasah, Karachi. The building took one tear in its completion. 1920: The local branch of Khilafat Committee holds public meeting at Goth Mahboob of taluka Mirokhan. It is presided over by Moulana Muhammad Ismail. Speakers apprise people of the high handedness of the Government and mishandling of Khilafat issue. They are asked to take active part in politics so as to save country. 1921: Nawabshah Khilafat Committee holds public meeting that is attended by large number of people. Speakers condemned the negative and anti – people role of police. People are asked and advised to face any kind of difficulty in the greater interest of country. 1931: The day provides wonderful evidence about political vision & wisdom of Sindh. Today, my country is politically active in her length and breath. Jamiat Nizam –ul- Muslimeen holds public meeting at Karachi, Local branch of Khilafat Committees holds public meeting at Amrot, Buthi of taluka Mirokhan and other so many places. Anluman Islah al- Muslimeen is formed at Kambar, and Moulana Naurangi (President), Moulana Muhammad Azim ‘Sheda’ Solangi (Vice President), Moulana Ghulam Siddique (Secretary) and Haji Fatih Muhammad (Treasurer) are selected its founder office – bearers. Today, condolence meetings on the death of Moulana Muhammad Ali ‘Johar’ are held in almost all cities of Sindh. 1948: Sindh Hari Committee rejects Rojor Toms’ Report on improving conditions of peasants. The party constitutes it Committee on the subject that consists of Hyder Bux Jatoi, Abdul Qadir Khokhar and Jan Muhammad Pali. The meeting is held at Larkano. 1957: Pakistan makes a strong plea for immediate stationing of U.N troops in Kashmir. 1965: Combined Opposition Parties (COP) Conference opens at Karachi with aim to prepare political line of action regarding elections. The Central Working Committee of the Council Muslim League decides to support boycott of the assembly elections. 1979: Another White Paper is released by the Government so as make people believe that Z.A.Bhutto disregarded law and tried to build an authoritarian state.?1991: Benazir leaves for London. Sindh Government takes back sedation case against G.M.Syed. 1992: PDA and ANP in NWFP are busy blaming and counter blaming each other on the issue of Kalabagh Dam. Federal Minister, Jam Yousif is determined to resolve the issue politically.
Assistant at DiBona & Associates
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