SINDH in history today (25th December). By. Dr.Pathan
25th December BIRTH DATES 1. Qauid -i- Azam (Jhirk/Founder of Pakistan/ birth 25nd December 1876), 2. Dr.Choitram Gidwani (Hyerabad/Freedom Fighter/ birth 25nd December 1889), 3. Maniram Sainani (Sukkur - Gandhidham/Writer/ birth 25nd December 1911), 4. Moulvi Mian Ahmad Pirzado (Maad Pirzada/ birth 25nd December 1920), 5. Jhamatmal Talwani (Hyderabad - Ajmir/Writer/ birth 25nd December 1922), 6. M.H.Panhwar (Ibrahim Panhwar/Scholar/ birth 25nd December 1925), 7. Ghulam Murtaza Bhatti (Hyderabad/Writer/ birth 25nd December 1930), 8. Qambar Karimi (Writer/ birth 25nd December 19251931), 9. Syed Ghulam Murtaza Rashdi (Pir Goth/Journalist/ birth 25nd December 1936), 10. A.Aziz 'Shahzad' Mangi (Writer/ birth 25nd December 1950), 11. Anwar Dingrai (Poet/ birth 25nd December 19251964), 12. Habib Sajjid (Writer/ birth 25nd December 19251968), 13. Hafiz Badaruddin Agro (Qaim Shah/JUP Activist/ birth 25nd December 1976), 14. Jim Ain Manghani (Karachi/Poetess)
DEATH DATES DEARTS: Shaikh Rahmatullah Sindhi (Religious Scholar/1585).
EVENTS 1835: Colonel Pottenger forwards to the Govt. of India copy of Lieutenant Burn's dispatch containing overtures from Sindh rulers for establishing intimate connection with the British Govt. including the residence of British Agent in Sindh. 1838: Mirza Agha is appointed by the British Govt. as first Persian Secretary at Persia. 1895: Dayram Gidumal Shahani delivers lecture at Sukkur on the topic of 'Seven sins against women'. It is arranged by the Sukkur Sudhar Sabha and was later on it was published by Tikamdas Ashram of Rohri. 1913: The All - India Theistic Conference starts at Karachi, Dr. j.T.Sunderland presides. Dewan Tarachand welcomes and Prof.T.L.Vaswani inaugurates. V.R.Shinde, Lalit Mohandas, Dr.B.S.Ghosh, Sir Narayan Chandavarkar, Rambhai Manipatram and Lala Kirshanram attend. The conference to continue for more three days. 1920: The meeting of the Central Khilafat Committee is held at Nagpur and Rules & Regulations of the party are discussed. Eminent Sindh Khilafat leaders attend. 1956: Real and peoples' democracy is at longest distance yet and we have to work for that, says Fatima Jinnah on the eve of her brother's Birthday celebrations.1963: It is begining of amendments in constitution. First ever amendment is made and the country should be known as 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan' and existing and future laws should be brought within purview of the principle which bars all legislation repugnant to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. 1973: Rais Ghulam Mustafa Khan Jatoi is sworn in as the Sindh Chief Minister.