Since when has THIS become a ‘strategy’?

Since when has THIS become a ‘strategy’?

I really don't know how spamming on social media has become a ‘strategy’ for some brands and entrepreneurs ...

Did someone wake up one day and think, "If I send enough people this super salesy and very general inmail / mail / DM, someone eventually will say ‘yes’?

I think about this every time I get a message like this on LinkedIn (which sometimes happens several times a day):

“Hi, your last post was great! Are you wondering how you can… [insert any service these companies offer]? ”.

What else causes me to have an allergic reaction to 'personalized' spam?

... awkwardly inserted pronouns, which have blatantly been cut and pasted,

... messages that try to be personal but appear false,

... a mention of a particular piece of content you've created and how much they liked it, within an email that’s so general, it’s evident that its sender knows nothing about you.?

Okay, enough examples. I don't want this discussion to turn into a painstaking email in which we will reiterate our hatred of spammers.

But the point is, it's not selling.

(Just to be clear: there is a way to do good prospecting, especially if you provide B2B services. But it's definitely not THIS.)

Here's why it is completely pointless and ineffective:

Your ideal customers - that is, those who are excited to buy from you, are just that ... Excited to buy from you.

So they don't wait for you to reach out to them and ‘convince’ them to buy.

In fact, they are actively looking for someone who provides what you provide.

But there IS something they are waiting for.

Namely, to see something in your social media content that will move them so that they feel encouraged to take action and buy from you.

Sometimes it's something you say when promoting your offer.

More often it is something you create that has nothing to do with ‘selling’ anything.

(If you've ever read, watched or heard an excerpt from a video or blog that made you feel, ‘I need to know more!’ - that's exactly what I'm talking about).

If you want to know how to create this type of content for yourself so you can attract your ideal customers (spam free), take a minute to consider: what do your customers expect from your content?

They want information. But not just any info. They want to learn from your unique stories, experiences, and hands-on advice.

They want inspiration, motivation and passion. In short: your content should reflect your unique personality! (It's also a great practice in terms of making you stand out - because a creator's personality can't be easily copied.)

So when you share both yourself and your impressive knowledge, you naturally get your customers' attention. You will be able to get them interested in everything you talk about (including your products or services).

And all this without having to ask for personal information, or adopting any other persuasive tactics.

So how do you adapt the way you communicate with your target audience?

If you approach the process in a planned and well thought-through manner, you will find that it is not that difficult to implement.

Good luck!


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