Simultaneous Polls - ONOE
S Ainavolu
| Teacher of Management | Certified Ind. Director | Power, Infra, and Education | SDGs Believer | Tradition & Culture Educator |
?‘One nation one election’ (ONOE) è Simultaneous polls to all elected democratic bodies
?With a Three-tiered politico-administrative structure started since late 1950s, we have ‘representatives’ at three levels, ‘elected’ directly at regular intervals of five years
?Initially elections were ‘synchronized’ till 1960s. Later ‘Sync-out’s are experienced due to summary dismissals of state governments, advancing of elections at Centre or a few states
?With perpetual electioneering around at one or more places, thought is, continued ‘Focus on governance’ gets distracted with ‘Focus on elections’ dominating
?Policy initiatives, program launches had to wait due to ‘Model Code of Conduct’ in place
?Working out common immersive overlapping election schedules saves the costs of election management, and it provides sufficient ‘development window’ viz. period for continued governance are clear benefits to foresee.
?Apprehensions that prevail are, if Simultaneous Polls are held as ONOE, then Positive or Negative ‘Cascading Effect’ may operate with synced sweeps? witnessed
?Are people matured to ‘Choose’ their respective representatives in terms of MP / MLA / local body members? Ability of nuancing by people has been repeatedly demonstrated many a time and in many an elections even when “Simultaneous Polls” were help.