Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)

Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)

  • Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) refers to the coordination and execution of multiple activities or tasks in the same operational area or facility. It commonly occurs in industrial settings such as construction sites, oil and gas facilities, mining operations, and manufacturing plants.
  • SIMOPS Hazards and consequences
  • SIMOPS, PTW, and LOTO Violation

The goal of SIMOPS

To maximize productivity while ensuring the safety of personnel and the integrity of operations. Proper coordination and safe simultaneous interfaces between departments, as well as identification and resolution of any potential impact on other operations.


SIMOPS process steps and PDCA Cycle

PDCA stands for plan, do, check, and act. This four-step approach is the most widely used methodology for implementing continuous improvement.

  • Identifying the combined operations.
  • Executing risk assessment for each task separately.
  • Identifying the additional hazards introduced by the SIMOPS.
  • Evaluating the relevant level of risk.
  • Verifying the adequacy of the planned control measure.
  • Recognizing additional risk reduction measures.

PDCA Cycle

How to Conduct a SIMOPS Risk Assessment

  • Identify Simultaneous Activities
  • Gather Relevant Information
  • Identify Hazards
  • Assess Risk Severity
  • Determine the Likelihood of Occurrence and Risk Level
  • Prioritize Risks and develop Risk Mitigation Measures
  • Implement Controls and Safeguards
  • Monitor and Review

How to Conduct a SIMOPS Risk Assessment

Further precautions
Further precautions

It’s crucial to recognize that SIMOPS operations pose significant risks due to the variability, enhanced level of activities and various interactions. Conducting SIMOPS risks reviews plays a vital role in identifying, evaluating and putting in place control measures that can reduce risks to an acceptable level, specific to the organization’s criteria and risk management framework requirements.
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