A Simulation of the Galvanic Copper Deposition in PCB Manufacturing

A Simulation of the Galvanic Copper Deposition in PCB Manufacturing

Copper plating is a key process in the fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCBs). It deposits copper onto the dielectric substrate to form the traces and pads that interconnect electronic components.

This article provides an in-depth simulation of the galvanic copper plating process used in PCB production. It covers:

  • Operating principles of copper electrodeposition
  • Governing equations and chemistry
  • Process characteristics
  • Simulation model development
  • Predicted plating behavior
  • Process optimization

Understanding the intricacies of this copper patterning technique through modeling and simulation helps improve quality during manufacturing.

Overview of Galvanic Copper Plating

We first introduce the basics of electroplating copper for context.

Operating Principle

It works by passing electric current between two electrodes immersed in a copper salt solution (electrolyte). This causes copper to deposit onto the cathode PCB surface.

Process Steps

  1. PCB panel is seeded with copper using chemical or sputtering process
  2. Panel is immersed in electrolyte bath
  3. Voltage applied causing copper migration and deposition onto panel
  4. Thickness monitored till desired copper is plated
  5. Panel withdrawn, rinsed and dried

Role in PCB Fabrication

Electroplated copper is patterned to form:

  • Conductive traces routing signals between components
  • Contact pads for attaching component terminations
  • Plated through hole (PTH) barrel wall coatings

High quality plating is imperative for reliability.

Governing Mechanism and Equations

The copper deposition process involves multiple chemical reactions at the cathode-electrolyte interface.

Electrochemical Reactions

The net redox reaction is:

Cu2+ + 2e? → Cu        

Where cupric ions gain electrons from cathode to transform into copper atoms.

Complex additional reactions with additives also occur.

Transport Processes

  • Migration - Transport due to electric field ?Φ
  • Diffusion - Due to concentration gradient ?C
  • Convection - Physical movement of ions

Key Relationships

Applying Nernst-Planck equation gives ionic flux density:

Cu2+ + 2e? → Cu        


  • Ni = Flux density of species i
  • Di = Diffusion coefficient
  • ?Ci = Concentration gradient
  • zi = Charge number of species
  • ui = Mobility factor
  • F = Faraday's constant
  • ?Φ = Electric field
  • ν = Velocity vector

Current density is proportional to flux density:

i = n F Σ Ni        

Rate of deposition equals current density:

dM/dt = ρ i / (z F)        


  • M = Mass of deposit
  • ρ = Density
  • i = Current density
  • z = Charge number
  • F = Faraday's constant

These govern local deposition rates across panel surface.

Characteristics of Plating Process

Key features of the copper plating process are:


Achieving highly uniform copper across entire panel area is challenging. But vital to prevent reliability issues. Involves managing anode placements, solution agitation, additive concentrations etc.

Conformal Coverage

Deposit needs to evenly coat surfaces irrespective of topology. Important for covering holes, vias, trenches with same thickness as planar regions.

Stickness Control

Deposit thickness dictated by current exposure over duration. Typical thickness from few microns for defined traces to 30μm+ for high current power/ground planes.


Higher density PCBs demand plating finer features of line width/spacing under 8 mils accurately.

Aspect Ratio Limitations

Increasing via depth/diameter aspect ratio stretches conformal coating capability driving move to newer methods.

Developing Plating Process Simulation

To gain further insight into the copper plating process, we develop a physics-based, transient multi-physics simulation model using COMSOL software.

Computational Approach

Our model couples charged species transport equations with evolving electrode reactions and liquid flow dynamics. Iteratively solved over temporal increments.

Key Simulation Details

Geometry - 2D/3D plating tank, anode-cathode assemblies Materials - Electrolyte mixture, copper Physics - Electrochemistry, Nernst-Planck, Navier-Stokes Mesh - Mapped mesh with boundary layers Solver - Time dependent coupled multi-physics nonlinear solver


Uniform anode corrosion rate, constant operating temperature, single additive agent, quasi-reversible electrode kinetics.

These simplify model complexity while still capturing most mechanisms of interest.

Simulated Copper Plating Behavior

We simulate the electroplating under different operating scenarios to demonstrate capabilities.

Baseline Conditions

A moderate set of input parameters reproduces well-characterized deposition behavior.

We see classical response - higher rate initially as concentration gradient induces diffusion flux but slowing over time as transport becomes limited.

Optimized Parameters

Adjusting anode placement, solution mixing rate, inlet additive concentrations can dramatically improve uniformity.

Copy thickness range decreases from 20% down to ~5% - huge enhancement.

Patterned Substrate

Switching to patterned cathode instead of blank surface leads to differential local growth dictated by surface currents.

Recesses plate slower than protruding areas.

Overall, excellent match to real expected performance establishes validity of model.

Using Simulation to Optimize

We leverage the simulation capabilities to determine operating guidelines that improve deposit uniformity which minimizes costly post-processing.

Anode-Cathode Spacing

Contour plots reveal preference for narrow ~50mm spacing between electrodes versus wide 200mm configurations prone to peripheral thickness variations.

Optimal Flow Regimes

High impingement jets introduce edge defects but excessive agitation accelerates solution degradation requiring careful tuning for smoothness.

Bath Chemistry Mixing

Introducing dynamic control of chemical replenishment and additive dosing ratios compensates for inherent process drift over long runs.

The model facilitates rapid what-if analysis to refine equipment configurations and process parameters.


A finite element based transient simulation of the complex galvanic copper plating process captures the interplay between electrochemistry, charge transport and hydrodynamics that governs deposition uniformity and thickness capabilities.

Calibrating against physical data at smaller scales can enhance model accuracy for production-scale PCB fabrication analysis. Similar approaches apply to other metallization processes likepattern plating, electroless coatings and alternatives like direct metallization.

Optimized configurations promise to reduce scrap and rework arising from plating non-uniformities - saving significant time and costs.


What limits the thickness that can be plated?

Current density capabilities caps thickness but processes like pulse plating overcome limitations.

How to improve plate uniformity in recessed areas?

Optimizing fluid flow helps but often involves organic additives to locally enhance deposition rates.

What defects degrade plated copper quality?

Common defects are voids, pits, nodules and organic inclusions. Careful filtration and agitation reduces these.

What process paramters are measured for control?

Key measurements are cathode current, cell voltage differences, solution temperature and chemical concentrations for feedback loop control.

What alternatives to copper plating are emerging?

Direct metallization techniques like inkjet printing metallic nanoparticles and aerosol jet printing eliminate waste are show promise but need maturing.


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