Simulating a Single Server Queue in Python
Simulating a single server queue involves modeling a system where customers (or jobs) arrive, wait in line if the server is busy, and are served in the order they arrive. Here's how to simulate such a queue with the necessary assumptions:
Steps to Simulate a Single Server Queue
Initialize Parameters and Variables:
Event List:
Simulation Loop:
Clock Advancement: Move the simulation clock to the time of the next event.
Event Handling:
Statistics Update: Update counters and statistics for performance metrics.
Example Code (Python)
Here is a simple example using Python to simulate a single server queue:
import random
import heapq
# Parameters
arrival_rate = 2.0 # lambda
service_rate = 1.0 # mu
simulation_time = 10.0 # Total simulation time
# Events
# State variables
current_time = 0.0
queue = []
server_busy = False
event_list = []
# Statistics
num_in_queue = 0
total_wait_time = 0.0
num_customers_served = 0
# Schedule the first arrival
heapq.heappush(event_list, (random.expovariate(arrival_rate), ARRIVAL))
while current_time < simulation_time:
event_time, event_type = heapq.heappop(event_list)
current_time = event_time
if event_type == ARRIVAL:
if not server_busy:
server_busy = True
service_time = random.expovariate(service_rate)
heapq.heappush(event_list, (current_time + service_time, DEPARTURE))
next_arrival = current_time + random.expovariate(arrival_rate)
heapq.heappush(event_list, (next_arrival, ARRIVAL))
elif event_type == DEPARTURE:
num_customers_served += 1
if queue:
arrival_time = queue.pop(0)
wait_time = current_time - arrival_time
total_wait_time += wait_time
service_time = random.expovariate(service_rate)
heapq.heappush(event_list, (current_time + service_time, DEPARTURE))
server_busy = False
# Results
print(f"Number of customers served: {num_customers_served}")
print(f"Average wait time: {total_wait_time / num_customers_served if num_customers_served > 0 else 0}")
This code simulates a single server queue with exponentially distributed inter-arrival and service times. The results provide the number of customers served and the average wait time in the system.