Simulating gravitational sources and sinks with a dynamic Mandelbrot Set
v. 5 n. 9
NOTICE additions "continuous" and "discontinuous" to second quote.
Credit of dynamic Mandelbrot set: Vitaliy Kaurov
Figure 1 is of the famous Mandelbrot Set expressed dynamically as driven by the simple equation. Unfortunately, the still versions do not adequately describe requirements to clarify small-scale happenings. Earlier, the large-scale structure of the Universe was described in terms of an analogy of a common sponge under development. [1]
Verbal descriptions were never satisfying for the small-scale purpose, even though the previous sponge analogy is closer in appearance to the actual structure of the Universe.
The figure is an expression of a growing entity that also grows back into itself, as a living thing develops its own organs.
The dark regions in this figure can represent accelerated expanding space, proposed as identical, instead of only equivalent, to gravity, and the light areas can represent particles. [2] Note that the particles here are absences instead of presences of the primary effector. [3] Particles have nothing to do with the structure; particles are seen as passive flotsam, anything that is not part of the structure. Gravity is seen as identical with the accelerated expansion of space (inertia) represented in black. Note also that the particles are directly connected (establishing locality) to the expanding space -- gravitational field -- rather than to one another. The field points to the particle, does not emanate from the particle (falsifiable, as discussed). [4]
As the space expands it moves in two separate modes simultaneously, outward and inward. Outward from left to right exhibiting a leading edge. Inward toward the various patterns due to the same single motivator. In terms of expansion of the Universe, it may be similarly thought of as expanding outward from a beginning in a wave-front, and inward to form little pockets shrinking to a point, gravitational sinks -- particles; note how the entire scene darkens just before it restarts; this indicates that everything is space ultimately, and that matter ultimately is points, locations, in this space, not actual "things" in the popular sense.
On the large scale the effect is expansion, but relative to the formation of the particles on smaller scales, the effect appears attractive -- the particles appear to grow toward one another (as seemingly by classical Newtonian gravity), their natural tendency is for them to congregate but the motivator is from outside and behind the particle toward the other particle; there is no physical mechanism between any two particles causing them to move toward one another. The individual particles are unaware of one another gravitationally, no gravitational locality among particles.
The locality is between the particle and space from the smallest to largest scale (Mach's Principle, Bell's Theorem), [5][6][6a] rather than to the adjacent particles even though the patterning at the last appears to be due to a relationship with surrounding particles, i.e., Newtonian gravity classically applied below the Solar system.
The motivator -- the equation representing inertia or gravity -- is the continuous black region, the discontinuous white regions are untouched by the equation; the white regions, the particles, are non-existent sinks, imbedded locations in space, end points. [7]
There is always space (black regions) among the particles; particles do not gravitationally interact with one another (no locality) even if infinitesimally close together. Space is primary, particles secondary. Real particles, i.e., electrons and quarks, have no extent, no physical existence; such entities are their fields (in black).
Such bulk space in black might be seen as dark energy, until particles begin to appear from them; then the space about the particles might be seen as dark matter, so that there is no essential difference in kind between dark matter and dark energy in this view, possibly resolving the negative results in the attempt to detect particulate dark matter. Dark matter might be dark energy on a smaller scale, both possibly being a direct consequence of universal acceleration (inertia) or gravity. Accelerated expanding space, in black, is primary motivator and matter, in (disappearing) white, is the passive secondary at the end of a long chain in this view. [8]
Credit for dynamic Mandelbrot set: Vitaliy Kaurov