Simply You, Surrendering You to God

Simply You, Surrendering You to God

Simply The Word of God, with Nothing being added to and nothing being taken away from.

Programming = Self-Programming and Programming from other sources

“You can be whatsoever you desire to be, “False!”

When you see or start to hear the Word of God, or someone near-by, when it comes up around you, when you observe it on media, or when you pass a man’s church building; does your spirit jump, does your soul cry out?

There truly is a reason why, for every Word every spoken out of the mouth of God.

“Place upon yourselves the entire armor of God, place Jesus upon your-selves, pray at all times, in all things in prayer and meditation.

1 John 2:17

The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever.

Matthew 24:35

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

Mark 13:31

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.

Has the Word of God Changed? “NO!” “Not one little bit!”


You may say, “I have tried it, I have called out to God and He didn’t reply, I have lost so much trying to live the Godly life, I have never heard from God.”

All the while, never truly surrendering to God, never giving your all, never diligently seeking after the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

Causing only half-heartedness, luke-warmness, doubting only to be your own outcome, simply because truly that is just what your have allowed others to program you to, even programming yourself to accept the very things and ways of an ever-dying world and evil ways there of such.

Never truly seeking and finding, knocking and it being open to you, because truly the programming is simply what you have become programmed into believing. Believing you have to perform this way or that way, in this place or that place. Never truly simply surrendering entirely all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, in loving God, and loving people.

So, this means man has changed, because their own individual Consideration has Completely turned from; rather taught or just individually decided! “So, listen closely to the Word of God!

It is the true happenings of why individual’s lives have so become so confused and mislead away from the only True Word who is Jesus Christ!

John 1:1-2, 14

“Before the world was created, the Word already existed; He was with God, and He was the same as God. From the very beginning the Word was with God.”

“The Word became a human being and full of grace and truth, lives among us. We saw His Glory, the glory which He received as the Father’s only Son.”

“Do you?” “Do I?” “Truly See Him as Such to us individually?”

“I consider that what we suffer at this present time cannot be compared at all with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.”

Romans 8:18

“Have we individually decided and now do perform in our very own actions, against The Word of God? Giving very little thought of concern, let alone consider anything concerning God!”

“Yes, I know this is hard, (Or suggested and made to believe it will be hard = programming).”

It is in true love that I repent myself; so too, telling everyone else of their need to humble themselves “individually,” before God; and repent also of their own sinfulness of rejecting The Word of God; Jesus!”

Have we individually forgotten for real;

Romans 8:19

“All of creation waits with eager longing for God to reveal His Sons.”

“Will God find faith in me? In you? When He does reveal His Sons?” “Does He?”

“For you remember God’s Word even stated there was an acceptable time for our Ignorance; “but no more!””

The peace which Jesus offered, before leaving this world, as He spoke, “Peace, My Peace, I Leave with you.” The Love and Peace of God which surpasses all human understanding and knowledge and wisdom and ways; because Truly, God’s ways are not those of mans ways, nor are His thoughts those of mans thoughts. “Period….”

“Yet, one can not enter into the kingdom of heaven unless he is truly born again!” “Period….”

Today truly is your own recure Savior, His Name is Jesus, who is the very Word of God, created by God, for each and everyone who shall truly and on purpose, surrender themselves, to believing every Word, as believing God’s Word of Salvation to the one’s who will not doubt:

For the one who doubts, should not believe he will receive one thing from the Lord. “Period….”

Seek God’s Holy Spirit while you still can, hear the anointed Word of God, and when calling out to God, do so fully ready and willing to do in action of Faith, because without works faith is simply but a continuation of man’s ways of programming, and having individuals program themselves.

God remains for us all, He has never been against not one of us, and His will shall be done, every Word of Himself. “Period….”

Don’t do it individually for this, because of this, “Because you believe, I will save you and your entire household, and your children and your children’s children.” Rather do it for them as well.

The Love of God which surpasses all human understanding.

“Is you doing it yourselves, simply in order that you will love the Lord “your” God, on purpose with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and you will grow and learn to love people even within their own state as you once were, before you 100% on purpose called out to God to surrender yourself.”






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