Simply support local businesses

Simply support local businesses

We all know that load shedding can be a frustrating experience, but as South Africans, we have proven time and time again that we are a resilient bunch. Most households have got some sort of load shedding measures in place to minimise the impact on their daily routines, but this is still a challenging situation for many local businesses. Here are some ways to support local businesses during load shedding:

  1. Shop locally and in advance:?When load shedding schedules are announced, plan ahead and do your shopping before the scheduled power outages.
  2. Buy alternative products or services:?During load shedding, some local businesses may offer alternative products or services that do not require electricity. For example, a restaurant may offer cold sandwiches or salads instead of hot meals during power outages. Consider buying these alternative products or services to support local businesses during load shedding.
  3. Be patient and understanding:?Loadshedding can be a frustrating and stressful time for local businesses. Remember that they are doing their best to provide the products and services you need.
  4. Use social media:?Social media can be a powerful tool for supporting local businesses during load shedding. Follow your favourite local businesses on social media, share their posts, and leave positive reviews. This helps to raise awareness of the business and attract new customers, even during power outages.
  5. Collaborate with other businesses:?Local businesses can collaborate with each other during load shedding to share resources and expertise. For example, a restaurant that has backup power could offer to host a neighbouring business that does not have backup power during power outages. By working together, local businesses can continue to provide products and services to their customers even during power outages.

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By taking these steps, you can help to support local businesses during load shedding and promote their long-term success.



