“There is not a fleshly fight what so ever needed, with the spiritual evilness of this season!”
“Still, so many unknown of God at all, remain fighting a blind fight against each other, simply totally forgetting and forgotten The God who is Love.”
“Every victory, has already been won; through the Blood of the Lamb of Almighty God!”
“Mankind, false prophets and teachers for generations have taught mankind of weakness, of doctrines, of false and lying spirits having authority over themselves and others who will
Listen to them! Knowing now by the fruits and actions of the hearts and souls of so very many.”
“It is so obvious everywhere today, to and of each and every living person of their true desires, no longer being able to be hidden within the darkness; just as it was written, so just has all become. No longer obvious only to groups and individuals who take a deeper look, but to all mankind everywhere and at all times, of the hardened and such darkened hearts simply because the individuals who continue to long and seek after Good and evil alike, no longer perform in the darkness.”
“There is no fleshly fight required; because Our Lord Jesus Christ has already given those who truly believe in Him, His Word, who is Him, placed upon our souls and written upon our hearts; The battles already Won and the victories already completed! “No Doubting…..”
“For the enemy and the doctrines of man’ s religion false presentation and forceful agendas through their own corruption and total Lawless and wicked ways; have brought charge against God; who loves even them, who does not desire for not one of them to have to parish in their own acceptance of evilness over good!” “God Remains the only Good and Righteous Father of all creation.”
“For where true authority has been given; and remember God’s Word is God! John 1:1-5 and John 1:14.”
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, “AND THE WORD WAS GOD………”
John 1:1…….
“No need and why would the authority of God in Himself have to even debate His own Authority?” “Oh, foolish accepted wickedness of the wise men and women who’ wisdom has truly openly become foolishness before all mankind.”
“For ALL Authority has been given unto the Lamb of God…..”
“Now the true son’s and Daughter’s of God, called so By God, has He also given them His Same Authority over all the Spirits!……”
“All else “shall” pass away, behold “All” things “Shall” become New….”
“The battles the fights and the authority has so already been given……”
“Our Lord and Savior, never had to battle the devil, He simply gave power and authority to Michael and the other two thirds of the angels to over take them, in victory, and cast them out of the heavens forevermore.”
“In the very same manner, has our God, given into us each, His Holy Spirit, in all Power and All Authority, not by our own power and might and authority, but by His Own dwelling and living within all who truly believe and know Him.”
“Behold, I give “you” the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over “all” the power of the enemy, and nothing “shall” by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19
“You, have not because “you” believe not…..” “The Ture Battles Already Completed by and in the Blood of God’s Lamb, His Word, He Named Jesus.” “Period….”
“You believe not because you truly do not know God, nor believe that He is and that He is the Rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him, and believe……”
“Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, “that the spirits are subject to “you”! but rather rejoice because “your” names are written in heaven!”
“Sealed in the blood of the Lamb….”
“Who can fight God? Who has power over God?”
“Man’s ways are not those of God’s ways, nor is man’s thinking that of God’s thinking, nor thoughts!”
“You believe not in the authority already given to “you,” He who has merged Himself in Spirit with “your spirit, in forgiveness and in Himself joining within the temple He so built before even the foundation of the worlds!”
“Arise and return on purpose, in action and in diligently seeking first after God, and He shall reveal Himself to each according to His Own abilities and Love.”
“In one’s own believing, first that God is, and that He rewards and does what He so says He “shall” and already has done; so does that “one” surrender all of themself back too He Who created him, not in the old manner of fleshly creation; but in the New covenant of “one’s” own believing and surrendering all of the ways and thoughts of this world; accepting the Newness of their own new creatures status in the Son of God, God’s Word made flesh and sent into the world!”
“The only needed new creation is that truly, “it is no longer “you” who lives, but Christ who lives in “you……””
“In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.”
Luke 10:21
“ALL,” “things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the “one” to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.”
“The battles and the fights fleshly have already been completed, and for “one” to not believe, is to place Christ Jesus back upon that cross; yet He remains there no longer! “For He Has Risen and now is seated at the right hand of the Father; Right here and right now!””
“Therefore either “you” so believe, or simply “you” so do not believe!”
“For one thing is truly assured, rather “one believes or does not believe; to that “one” comes only unto themself, “all” in which that one believes in.”
“For so many have, followed not the Christ any longer who has risen from death and the grave; Who is Himself The Word of God, who is the Son and The Holy Spirit, and the Father; Who always has been, is and “shall” always be; “God is One!””
“Now this is not only for those who fleshly knew Jesus Christ, the Word of God, made flesh and sent into the world; but to all others who “shall” hear their words and Believe!”
John 17
“He who hears you hears “Me,” he who rejects you rejects “Me,” and he who rejects “Me” rejects Him who sent “Me!”
Luke 10:16
“Now there “shall” also come those who in their own wisdom which “shall” to become foolishness before “all” mankind and creation, those who have rejected the truth and who Follow after the ways and thoughts of all others who know not God at all, yet declare themselves to be of God!”
“These are calling out in the streets and in the gathering places; “where is God?” Because they truly know God not at all, they go about performing and doing what seems to so many as good deeds, yet in their own doing such, these continue to follow after that which they have been taught of man, not of God, His Word, which already has become and is completed before the very foundation of the world and the heavens which He, “GOD” alone so created!”
“These are like one upon the seas, who are tossed to and fro by every wind of false
Doctrine and False Truth, which leads one and any who follow after such doctrines aways from The Truth and the Light and The Light of God, He who is God, even sent into this world as God, because He has never not been God!”
“That one who followers the winds rather than God, should not believe that they will receive not one thing from God. Because they have chosen to not follow God, in the Only Way, Truth, and Life which God Himself so provided for ALL Mankind!”
“The Son of God, created from God’s Own Word, and sent into the world for the forgiveness of all sins and unrighteousness!”
“You truly want to know one who knows not God, at all? Then listen to the one who doubts God……. And His power for them and for any other who “shall” just believe without doubting at all!”
“These have been handed over by God, to their own hearts desires of following after the winds of this world and all other who have placed this world and this life, over the New Creation Life of; No longer, “I who lives but Christ Jesus who lives in me, that is this vessel wonderfully and powerfully created and called Son or Daughter by God!”
“For as every hair on every Head does God so know, so too does He know His Own, and those who know Him, doubt Him not!…..”
“For he who believe and try’s to save his own life “shall” lose it, but to him who surrenders fully his life to God, “shall” surely be saved in He who is Life, and the giver of all life….”
“Shame on “all” else, Because let’s face it, the “one” who believes not; fully is the “one” who truly does not know God at all…..”
“Yet the “one” who knows God, God has called that “one” friend, and God reveals Himself to that “one” and that “one’s” total Hope, faith, and Love abides within God….”
“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; “you” are of more value than many sparrows, also I say to you, whoever confesses Me before men, him the Son of Man also will confess before the angels of God. But he who denies Me before men will be denied before the angels of God”
“And anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, It will not be forgiven.”
Luke 12:8-10
“For Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, has so already completed all things!”
“The Holy Spirit freely given, is this very generation’s acceptance of God; within themselves; it truly is through the Son of God, Jesus Christ; as now it is the Holy Spirit of God, given and accepted by each who “shall” lead each!”
“Now when they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what you should answer, or what you should say.
“For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”
Luke 12:11
“Man’s ways are not those of God’s ways, nor is man’s thoughts those of God’s thoughts; for God has freely given His Holy Spirit, into those who “shall” be lead alone by God, and there is no other!”
“To and through the believers, the sons and the daughters called so by God; “shall” they fear not none other, and unto these “shall” all things be given by God!…….”
“The battles and the fights already completed by the blood of the Lamb of God….”
“Now lead by the Holy Spirit of God; This Son of God declares; “God is, and He rewards “ALL” who Chose life in Him, and there is none other!”
“In the authority already given unto me, by God; I simply declare, “as for me and
My household we “shall” serve the Lord our God, all the days of this life, and the rewards and leadership of our God, “shall” be our only Foundation followed.”
“Where are you?” “As I have openly declared where I abide and am and “shall” remain!……”